Subject: 🔵 The haunting season begins (not Halloween)

The haunting has already begun and it's not even Halloween yet. This hurts...

This LiveGood thing is not going to go away.

In fact, I believe 2 things are going to happen....

1. You Get in and it becomes the last business you ever have to join as 1OOk residuals come in for the rest of your life.

2. You're "haunted" by the "what if's" for the rest of your life as you continue to hop from thing to thing that doesn't work out.

This is producing results for people like NOTHING I have ever seen in the last 20 years.

Literally, we're producing more 1OOk yearly success stores more quickly every week than ANY company in the industry.


But, even more... the structure of it, and the products of it are going to have this business here and paying you 20 years from now.

That's why I have gone all in on building a full out system to help you.

It solves every challenge that you might have had in the past, or are having now.Not tech hassles.

A super funnel is built for you.

No getting leads issues.

Push button traffic is provided (see images in this email for how quickly it's producing).

Follow up emails and content are done for you.

No struggling to know what to write or say.

A community is in place to help you 24/7.

Never again feel lost or alone.

A step by step daily roadmap to 1OOk and beyond is provided.

You'll always know what to do to get Ieads and signups.

No confusion.

No waiting.

Just follow the step by step plan and start getting results within 24 hours...

Plus, KEEP getting them every day.

Anyway... as we enter this season of "Haunting" with Halloween approaching...

I wanted to make sure you weren't haunted by some real regret for the rest of your life.

Because LiveGood isn't going anywhere.

And you're going to see it everywhere.

For a long, long time.

You can be happy you got started today.

Or be haunted every day by the regret that you didn't

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People

P.S.  Check out how Matthew was able to use our system to go from no sign up in 5 years of trying to build something online...

To 3 saIes in 4 days!

Pretty awesome stuff.

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