Subject: 🔵 The day I gave the middle finger to jobs

This is the day that I finally drew my line in the sand and said "I'm never going back!"

Just 3 weeks before Christmas in 2004, I came home jobless.

Having been let go from my job in a "money saving" cut.

I had an 8 month old daughter.

I had another child on the way (my son).

And was already buried in massive debt.

But, even though it would have been easy to give jobs the finger at that point...

That wasn't the day I did it.

I actually can't tell you the exact day...

But, sweet moments like the one shown in the photo below are 100% what lead up to the day I finally drew my line in the sand...

Said... "I'm NEVER going back!"

And made me raise my finger to the job life forever. 🖕

Even though it was stressful being let go.

With a growing family.

With massive debt.

With Christmas just days away.

Even though it was hard as a man to know I wasn't helping my wife support us financially (and it was my debt that was crushing us).

When I took a step back and realized that I was getting all of these moments with my little daughter that I was missing before.

I saw being let go from my job as the biggest blessing that life had ever given me.

Because with nothing to lose really...

I had an opportunity to go "all in" on building a business that would allow me to spend EVERY moment with my daughter, my wife, and my soon to be arriving son.

And so it was in a moment or clarity, and realization that I now had the life I always wanted...

That I raised that glorious long finger to the sky and declared to jobs forever...

"I am never coming back!"

And I kept my promise to myself and my family.

I haven't been back to a job since.

And I've spent pretty much every moment possible with my wife, my daughter, and my son.

It's been amazing, and the biggest blessing of my life.

So, maybe I shouldn't have given jobs the finger...

But hey, we all have moments.

So, I am actually grateful to being let go from my job.

I am grateful of the desperate situation it put me in.

Because in the desperation, I found the life I always wanted.

And, I found this unique business model that has allowed me to create wealth for my family for over 17 years now...

In a way that gives me endless time and freedom to be with them.

So now...

I don't raise that finger anymore.

I raise both hands to the sky and thank God for showing me the way to true freedom.

And placing this gift in my hands along the way.


"Called Free to Be More"

P.S.  It's crazy to me that I can help people do the same now for less than what most pay for coffee each day.

The debt we were swimming in when I got let go from my job was actually from YEARS of struggling to try and build something for my family.

Now, it can be done without the struggle.

Without the debt.

And you can use new business models like this to step into nearly instant success.

So you can stop missing moments too.

Because in truly feels like that picture of my daughter and I was taken yesterday...

Today, she's just a few weeks from graduating from high school.

Yep, life goes by in a blink.


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