Subject: 🔵 The checks just kept coming

That's what she said

Trisha wanted to get away.

To take a road trip and travel across the country from Indiana to Arizona to see her kids and grandkids.

And so she packed up and left.

No worries.

Not a care.

Just a fun drive, and even more fun getting some much needed time with the family.

And then something unexpected happened.

It seemed hard to believe, but the checks just kept coming!

And even better...

Her business was GROWING even in her absence!

All because a most often over looked concept that I like to call "Exponential lncome."

I actually did a free training on it here if you want to check it out.

In her own words, Trisha said (see image above)...

"Great to have the freedom to step away and not even skip a beat."

She went on to say...

"It's a blessing to have a growing solid residuaI biz with such a supportive team community that gives us the freedom to enjoy the important things."

I've gotta say...

I totally agree.

But, there's one little thing I want to fix about what she said.

Her business actually GREW when she was gone not because of residuaIs.

Those don't grow in your absence.

EXPONENTIALS on the other hand... do!

That's part of what I did this free training on here that you can watch if you want to.

Happy Wednesday, Friend!

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People

517-258-2203 (Text Only)

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