Subject: 🔵 The Ultimate Lifestyle Business is coming back

If what you want is all of the resources you need AND time and freedom to live life on your terms, open this...

If you know my story, you know that I was let go from my job 3 weeks before Christmas with an 8 month old baby girl at home...

My wife already pregnant with my son...

Buried in about 50k in debt (all my fault)...

And no job prospects.

While I was originally stressed, after lots of time with my daughter that I never would have had...

I actually took a different thought angle on it.

FINALLY... I am free from that stupid, soul sucking job that I hated every day anyway!

And wanting this freedom for the rest of my life, I really started focusing on how to stay home for good.

This is where I ran into a guy named Darren Gaudry.

I have no idea what happened to Darren, but here's what cool about what he was doing.

He was building a "Lifestyle Business."

What the heck is that?

It's building a business that creates all of the income you need and WAY more...

But doing it in a way that gives you massive time and freedom to actually use and enjoy it.

It worked so well that I went from struggling and in debt from trying to build a business both online and off for years...

To generating over 101k within 12 months of being let go from my job.

(Which was 3x more than I was making working 40+ hours a week)

It changed my life and I have never gone back to the dread J.O.B since being let go in 2004.And the best part...

I've been able to provide in abundance for me and my family every year since working a mostly 30 minute per day schedule.

Seriously... things like this quick email I am typing typically make up my entire workday!

But over the years, the "gurus" have stepped in and mucked everything up.


Because if you knew how simple this could actually be, you wouldn't have to buy all of their training, and upsells, and "secrets," and courses.

Basically, if you knew what I was about to share launch for you over the next few weeks...

You could stop lining the pockets of the "gurus" forever, and have your own pockets overflowing instead!

All in just a few simple steps per day.

You could have all of time time, freedom, and resources you'll ever need in just minutes per day.

So let me ask you this...

Do you want to go the route of the "guru" and learn to build your own products...

Learn the technology to build courses, sales processes and funnels...

Host endless webinars (that are mostly empty)...

Deal with annoying and sometimes costly (in both time and money) customer service...

Waste time on endless "new" marketing strategies.

Or, would you rather...

Step into a "Franchise-Like" all inclusive business model where all of the hard, techy, time consuming, and expensive stuff is done for you...

Complete a few simple steps per day that you actually enjoy...And enjoy a life where you have unlimited resources...

Plus, the time and freedom to use those resources however you wish.

I've done it both ways, and I am tired of seeing good people fail trying to do everything on their own.

So I am bringing back The Ultimate Lifestyle Business For You.

Where you can step into an ALREADY profitable business, and start getting results in 48 hours or less.

Even if you're brand spanking new.

Then, give you ONLY the simple step by step daily activities you need to maintain, grow, and scale those results to any level you want.

Yep... there will be work required.

Skills learned.

But only exactly what you need to build a real lifestyle business.

Which again, takes me 30 minutes or so per day.

Doing simple stuff.

That you can do.

That ANYBODY can do right now today.

I'll be putting up a page for you to check out later this week before I head out of town to enjoy an amazing fall trip with my wife.

But, if you're excited out of your mind to build a business that actually gives you a life, drop me an email and I'll send you some sneakier "Sneak Peeks." than anyone else gets to see. 😉

I'm excited out of my mind to give you not just an amazing business that you love...

But all of the time, freedom, and resources you need to enjoy the life you really want.

Talk soon!


P.S.  Join the Revolution. Get Free. Be More.


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