Subject: 🔵 The Guru Screw, Part I: Systems "Don't" Fail

One of the biggest lies the "Gurus" will tell you is that people fail, systems don't. It's B.S.

So, I know you've heard this one before, right?

"Systems don't fail, people do... so join my 'system' and you can't fail!"

Well... that's mostly B.S. 🐂💩 and in this email I will reveal why.

And I will be up front and honest.

I have actually been one of the bonehead "Gurus" that said it.

I've actually built systems that grew to over 65.000 people that "couldn't" fail.

And what I have learned is that systems DO fail, when the person doesn't get the skill to run it.

But, they are MASSIVELY successful and rewarding when you do get the skill.

Here's the principle that I took from Joshua this morning.

In the first chapter of Joshua, God tells Joshua that He will give him every place where his foot steps.

And IF you continue to step.

IF you continue to follow the principles and teaching that I have already and will keep giving you...

THEN success will follow you wherever you go.

The problem with systems is this...

You've probably joined one or two in your day, and it goes something like this:

➡️ First you get excited and join the system.

➡️ Then, you buy some product that you will never use just because it pays you commissions.

➡️ Then you get another product that you will never use because it gives you even more commissions.

And who doesn't want more commissions for the same work, right?

Uneasy Confession: I have personally used that line 100's of times, at least. Sorry. The premise is true, but it only works if you actually work.

➡️ Finally, you push the amazing "Guru" traffic button because all you need now that you have a system and commissionable products is people.

And as soon as you push the button... you have everything you wanted in life, right?


But why?

Because you never took the real "step" necessary to actually be successful.

You just wanted to be GIVEN success without taking any real steps, or learning the principles.

And it doesn't work that way.

If you want proof... just look at the leaderboards of these "systems."

The people thriving are always the same people who have been thriving in every system for years.

Yes, just like God had everything waiting for Joshua, systems have success waiting for you too.

But, you must take the steps that actually PROVE that you want to be successful.

You must learn the skill, and follow the principles that are being taught if you want success to chase you down.

Just like Joshua did.

God promised He would give him every new place he stepped...

IF he persevered through the challenges he'd encounter at each step.

(which God also promised)

Yes, learning a skill will present challenges.

But you WILL learn them if you don't quit stepping.

And just like Joshua, you must also follow the PRINCIPLES already laid out.

And IF you keep stepping and taking new ground...

Learning new skills...

Becoming an actual business owner...

Learning to market, etc.

IF you follow the PRINCIPLES that have already been laid out and will always work...

Then and ONLY THEN will you not only be successful...

But success will actually chase you down!

This is why everything I recommend to you is based on two things always:

1. Following PRINCIPLES that have always worked and will work until the end of time.

2. Getting the SKILLS you need to build any "system," or business, or product, or whatever it is you want to build.

If you're ready to commit to keep stepping into new territory, new skills.

And if you want the principles that will work forever to guide you.

If you want true, long term, systematic results.

If you want to not just be successful, but to have it chasing you down...

I'm looking forward to seeing you on the inside.


Creator of The "Mission 5:13" Movement

P.S.  You CAN Become Job Free, So you Can Work Less and LOVE More on the People God Has Called You to Serve!

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