Subject: 🔵 The Funniest Places I learn Marketing (Literally)

Marketing principles are everywhere, and I was literally laughing while I learned this...

I recently discovered Michael Jr.

He's an incredibly funny comedian, that has discovered a way to both make people laugh AND live out his life's purpose at the same time.

It's an incredibly unique approach where you often find yourself laughing and crying inside of the same 30 minutes.

Yesterday, he dropped a success bomb that I think all successful people eventually figure out (right before their massive success)...

And it's also why people struggle to ever make it.

Here's what he said...

"Things took off for me when I stopped trying to GET a laugh, and focused on doing my best to GIVE people an opportunity to laugh."

Did you catch that?

It's so subtle, but it's one of those mind bombs that will change your life when you get it.

In short... it's not about what you can get, it's about what you can give people that will unlock your success in pretty much any area of life!

For example, if you are building a business, your focus may be on getting the sale.

But success is found in considering and focusing on the RESULT you can give?

So, if my focus is on giving you the best opportunity to get the skills that will allow you to create wealth for life...

I am going to treat you differently than if my focus is to "make money" by getting the sale.

The result can be the same, but it comes with much more ease as frequency for both of us if my focus is on giving you the opportunity to get everything you need, rather than getting the sale.

And to give you the best opportunity, I have to become better.

I have to provide more.

I have to give massive value.

And I have to be sure that what I am providing is putting YOU in the the best place to be successful.

So, it doesn't matter if you are telling jokes, or helping people create a business...

The more you focus on serving people at the highest level, the more quickly and more long term your own success will be.

It's why my focus has been to give you EVERYTHING you need to be successful, without all of the stuff you don't.

I want to put you in the best position to succeed from day one.

No tricks.

No secrets.

No this will get you started, but then you need all of this to really do anything.

It would be like delivering the first part of the joke, but making you pay more for the punchline.

My focus is not to "Get" your money.

It's to "GIVE" you the best opportunity to create it in a way that sets you free to do whatever you desire for life.


P.S.  Join The Revolution. Get Free. Be More.


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