Subject: 🔵 The #1 reason you're not making any green

This seems like the most bass ackwards thing, but it's crazy how it seems to be true

As crazy as this sounds, Friend... this is totally and completely true.

And it's the #1 reason why you probably aren't making anything, or as much as you want in life.

Here it is:

The #1 reason why you aren't making m0ney...

Is because you're trying to make m0ney!

Some recent stats just came out that said that a person must spend 7 to 8 hours with you online or off to feel comfortable enough to purchase.

That means you have to spend 7 to 8 hours serving them.

Demonstrating that you can help them.

Letting them get to know you, your mission, your values, what you have to personally offer, etc.

How do you do that?


Lots and lots of content.

In today's day and age, there is no way around it.

If all you've got to offer in the marketplace is a link, or a call to action to get your thing or join your program...

You're doomed.

Here's a quick tip to help you know what to post, share, and give...

Instead of asking...

"How do I sell this thing today?"

Find an audience and/or a mission that you are insanely passionate about, and ask yourself...

"How do I SERVE these people today?"

And if you're in a market that you are passionate about, that won't be hard.

Because YOU are in the market, you know what people want (because you want it to).

Plus, you'll have endless content because you are ALREADY watching videos...

Listening to podcasts.

Hanging out in groups.

Reading books.

Binging out on reels and shorts, etc.

This game is only hard when you are in a market that you have no interest in...

And trying to seII to a group of people you have no real connection to.

Instead of SERVING them, and demonstrating that you can help them.

Hope that helps you today, Friend.

Nick Bramble

P.S. The Future of Abundance, Adventure, Fulfillment, and Freedom That You Want is waiting... Let's go Build it!

P.P.S.  If you want to see what I am all about, and see if a partnership might be in our future.

Or, you just want to ethically steal everything I have learned over the last 20 years to live a life of total f.reedom today...

You can binge out on all my f.ree stuff here.

You can also connect with me there on all the platforms I am serving on.

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