Subject: 🔵 Thank you

I just wanted to say thank you for hanging in there this week as we ran a promo and bombarded you with more emails than normal.

The promotion was an amazing success, and I am so excited to build massively successfuI businesses with all of my new partners.

Even more so, I am excited that the vision I have is growing so quickly.

That vision is to...

Build the largest community of Kingdom minded, servant based entrepreneurs on the planet...

Who have the skills, the tools, and the resources to create weaIth in a way that...

Gives us the time and freedom to spend our time with those we love the most.

Doing the things we love the most.

And serving the people, communities, and causes that God continues to place into our hearts.

To give you an idea of how much you can do when you have the tools, skills, resources, the personal help, and the community you need...

Here are my personal results of the promotion:

That's 66 saIes this week, most of which are brand new that came in as a result of the offer.

What's cool is that I didn't have to build the offer.

I didn't have to build the saIes pages.

I didn't have to do the customer support or product delivery.

I just got to leverage the hard work of an amazing company that has products and services that people love.

This is why I love the partner model.

And here are the company results...

Our goal as a company was to increase the MRR to 3OOk.

We blew past that and hit nearly 35Ok instead!

That was an over 1O7k increase in just 10 days as you can see from the image.

Two things are cool about this...

1.  It means people and families all over the world had an increase in their lncome, because we pay out 80% of that 35Ok to partners.

2. It also means that we fed thousands of starving children, because a percentage of every saIe goes to an organization that sends meals all over the globe to help children in need.

I'll have to get the exact number of meals this offer resulted in, but I will tell you it's multiple thousands of DAYS worth of meals.

Such a blessing to know that just by building a company I love, I am also serving and giving back to the world.

Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you for giving me your time, and trusting me to serve you at the highest level.

It's an honor to serve you and I will continue to send the best that God gives me to you.

If you'd love to partner with me at a higher and more personal level, you're welcome to check out how I can help you here.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love people

517-258-2203 (Text Only)

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