Subject: 🔵 TOP 3 reasons why school is dumb (and jobs too)

If somebody told you this was how it was going to be as a kid, you'd NEVER take this path.

TOP 3 Reasons Why School is Maybe The Dumbest Idea Ever, and Why Jobs Suck Too...

So, the latest stats are out on school and jobs and the numbers are CRAZY to say the least!

In fact, if somebody told you when you were a kid that this is how it's going to be if you follow this path...

You'd RUN as fast as you could in the other direction.

Here's why...

Reason #1 Why School is Dumb:

After spending $80,000 to $100,000 or more AND 4 to 6 years of your life on college...

A Whopping 48% of People Can Only Get Jobs That Didn't Require College in The First Place!

Ouch! Talk about wasted time and money.

But it gets worse...

Reason #2 Why School is Dumb:

Again... after spending those insane amounts of money and time learning a specific thing...

A Crazy 73% of People Have Jobs Doing Something OTHER Than What They Spent All The Time and Money On!

Where else can you drop $100 grand, and years of your time, and get a thing totally not what you wanted and it be ok?

Where else is that actually the recommended "best" option???

Reason #3 Why School is Dumb:

Even the small percentage of people who get what they paid for, regret it!

Of the 27% of People That Do Get Jobs They "Wanted" Over Half of Them Claim to Be Miserable There!

Which speaks to the final BONUS statistic that has held true for years and years that...

Over 85% of People Are Unhappy At Their Jobs!

So, if when you were a child somebody told you that you will go to pre-school and school for 12 to 14 years and learn stuff that you mostly won't need.

Then you will go to school for another 4 to 6 years, but this time you have to pay $100,000 or more.

Then, after all of that time and money, you will start your life with massive debt, and an 85% chance of hating and regretting it all...

Would you still take the path?


Even if you temporarily feel "lucky" or "blessed" to have a job during these crazy times, that feeling is going to soon go away and you'll be...

Waking up unhappy.

Miserable all day.

And tired and unfulfilled when you get home just like before.

My guess is you already made some portion of the dumb mistakes above.

I did.

But it wasn't until I got let go from my job in 2004 that I finally woke up and realized how dumb it all was.

If you agree that the path we've been told to go down is dumb, and what you want is the ability to...

Provide For Yourself and Your Family in a Way That Gives You Time, Freedom, Purpose and Fulfillment...

It's time to take the only path that's ever worked to get there.

Start creating your OWN path.

And I'll be there to help you the entire way.


The "Get Job Free" in 2021 Movement

P.S.  You CAN Become Job Free, So you Can Work Less and Live Any Lifestyle YOU Choose!


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