Subject: 🔵 Stop doing this...

If you stop doing this you'll make WAY more saIes without even asking anyone to buy anything

I sent this a couple of days ago, but it's probably the biggest mistake I've ever made...

So I though I'd send it again this weekend when you might have more time to really digest what it means.

To give you context on the email and the training within it...

The original subject of the email was:

"Are you gonna give me that moolah, or what?"

Then on the inside was the following...

If you're thinking that...

"Woah... That's a jerky email subject!"

It's because it is.

But I wrote it to bring to your attention that it may be exactly the way YOU are trying to "market."

I know this, because it's exactly how I used to "market."

And based on some questions I was answering last night on our team training

(and 20 years of getting the same questions)...

It's how most people are actually trying to grow their businesses.

Most go on social and just scream...

"Join me!"

Then they follow up with emails that only say...

"Join me!"

They even walk up to friends and family and say...

"Give me your moolah now."

It's because, sadly...

Most people never learn to actually market (which is why I've been putting it in quotes).

Most people in the affiIiate or NM space are just being really awkward.

Really intrusive.

Really annoying...

SaIes people.

But, here's somethingI learned about saIes almost 2 decades ago that changed my life.

If you learn how to MARKET...

You pretty much never have to seII.

People happily pay you without you even asking.

In fact, they even actively seek YOU out, instead of the other way around.

To be honest, I don't enjoy at all seIIing, and I don't really ever do it.

Instead, I focus all of my efforts on finding out where the people I want to SERVE are.

And then on putting the right messages and content in front of them that trigger something in their brain that's makes them psychologically feel like they MUST buy from me at some point.

Right audience.

Right message.

In the places where they are already hanging out.

Done consistently.

That's all I do.

As a person who builds affiIiate and NM businesses...

I never seII.

My unique style of messages just point people to saIes processes that are really awesome.

The cool thing is that these "triggers" are actually super ethical and honest and the BEST way to serve people.

And these triggers cause buying at a rate that dwarfs this "seII, seII, seII" junk that most are doing all the time.

Maybe even you.

I don't know.

And I don't judge.

Because it used to be me when I was broke and couldn't even build a team of 2 people.

If you want to know what this unique style is that brings the BEST people flying into your offers with card out ready to join or buy without you even asking...

I got my 8 Figure Mentor to Put Together This Special Video Series For You.

No email required.

Nothing to pay for.

But at the end, you'll have the skill I've been using for nearly 2 decades to out seII nearly everyone I know...

Without ever seIIing.

While at the same time, making people so eager to hear from me that they set reminders so that they can be sure to open every email...

Read every post.

Watch every video.

And eagerly consume every bit of content that I ever put out.

While they keep one hand on their card ready to take action (buy).

It's all here if you want it.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People

P.S.  If you just want to grab the full course, you're of course welcome to do that here anytime you feel like it.

Although... nothing is required.

You can watch the 6 videos as many times as you like.

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