Subject: 🔵 Sorry, but it's gone forever


You won't have endless chances to play with, or talk to your children or grandchildren.

That dinner you didn't take your spouse too, it's gone.

The chirping of the bird you missed... that song he may never play again.

The sunset.

The vacation.

The quiet moment you missed with God in your rush to the office.

The child's joy you missed as they tugged on your sleeve to play and you ignored it for your phone.

It's all gone.

Time swallows it all up to never be seen again.

Except maybe in a few last moments of regret as time swallows you up too, in your last moments of it.

You can't get time back.

It just keeps moving.

Maybe that's what Elijah was saying when he called back to Elisha...

"What have I done to you?"

He wasn't forcing Elisha to come with him.

And he didnt' stop to wait for Elisha either after he placed the cloak on him.

He just kept moving.

Maybe that was meant to show us that time doesn't stop and wait for us.

It gives us a blink to step into a moment, and it just carries on.

But, although you can't get it back...

You can increase your future time, so you don't miss those moments that keep trucking by you.

If you keep trading time for the doIIars you need...

Maybe you will have doIIars (maybe).

But, you'll have them at the expense of what's much more valuable.


When you learn to create those same doIIars (and probably many more of them) in a way that doesn't need you to trade time.

Then, you are increasing the moments you have and the doIIars you make exponentially.

You see, Friend.

You can have both more time, and more doIIars at the same time.

You can start creating future time for yourself.

Increasing moments that matter.

When you learn the skills of building true weaIth.

To me...

WeaIth = Time + F.reedom + lncome

If you want to learn the art of creating time, increasing moments, and living life instead of existing...

This 2 hour a day plan will help you create time and lncome together.

And you can start piling up and cherishing all of those moments God has planned for you to step into.

Nick Bramble

"Your F.reedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it."

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