Subject: 🔵 Sorry, I misled you

Yesterday, I sent an email saying I quit LiveGood and Nexus in the subject.

Oddly enough, a lot of people read email subjects only and not the actual email itself.

Yes, it's 100% true...

I have NOT been actively promoting LiveGood or Nexus.

But, it's also 100% true that in the 15 days since I stopped promoting them...

My teams in BOTH have grown faster and easier.

PLUS, I added $4,247 of RESlDUAL lncome to my life.

Including an extra $1,072 (820 from on source and 252 from another)...

In just the last day and a half. (see images below)

In case you want to know how a better, faster, easier way to grow ANY b.usiness you choose online, using this new residuaI lncome machine model that I am using...

I did a full behind the scenes video walkthrough here.

It's just me, my computer screen, my back office and exactly what I am doing that takes me literally just minutes per day.

Plus, I show you raw, real proof so you know I'm not just blowing smoke, or talking what "could" happen.

I show you exactly what IS happening.

Nick Bramble

P.S. No, this isn't a sneaky way for me to trick you into joining LiveGood or Nexus.

You can use what I show you in the video to do what I did...

Plus, grow ANY b.usiness you want without even actively promoting it.

It's pretty cool stuff if you want to check it out here.

In full transparency and honesty, the results in the video are LESS than what they actually are now.

It' just keeps coming in and I am now up to that $4,247 that I mentioned above.

You'll have to do the math if you want, but here's the latest update as of Saturday, January 27th at 2:12 pm EST.

Keep in mind this is 100% RESlDUAL.

That's my ongoing lncome if I completely stopped doing anything else today.

Meaning it keeps coming each month.Also keep in mind that it's growing DAILY.

Of course, I won't stop, because if that can be done in 15 days...

I'm flipping out excited over the f.reedom I'll be able to create for myself and other over the rest of this year and beyond.

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