Subject: 🔵 Something's gone terribly wrong

That's what I thought to myself as the pick up truck raced through the median to pass me at 5am this morning.

It was a little embarrassing, I admit... to see the PT Cruiser using the ending right lane to blow past me.

But, checking my speed and seeing that I was already speeding, I thought...

"Oh well... go get it Cruiser!"

But as the rocks and debris spit up at my car from the pickup truck racing by me using the median...

A much different thought immediately came to me.

"If I am ever driving like an idiot just to get to work, something has gone terribly wrong!"

I mean, image...

Being stressed.



Worried about being late to a place that you don't even want to be.

That as soon as you get there, you're going to wish you were actually late.

Because if you were late, you'd have less of this torture to go through today.

So, after I got my son and his friend to the airport safely.

And got back to my comfy "work" spot on the couch.

I celebrated a little and a big smile came across my face as I popped on the fireplace.

Yep, still 20 degrees here in Michigan this morning.

What was I celebrating?

Today, it was f.reedom of "pace."

I can work at my own speed.

On my own time.

In my own place.

No stress.

Just this fun little email, and then whatever the heck I want for the rest of the day.

If you're tired of rushing around to do things you don't want to do...

And you want to ease into the life you choose on a daily basis instead.

Grab lifetime access to this, and I'll help you get the simple skills to unlock the incredible "ease" of f.reedom for yourself.

Nick Bramble

"Your F.reedom is Waiting. Let's Go Build it!"

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