Subject: 🔵 Secrets of Success - Sneak Peek Today 👀

Hey Friend...

I am so SUPER excited for this launch because I have been wanting Russell to launch this product since he started talking about it on his podcasts over a year ago.

Today, we get our first sneak peek and I am definitely not going to miss it.

If you want to see it too, it happens today at Noon EST.

Just register here to get access:


There are just a few days left until launch, and this is when to build your affiIiate army.

Imagine having dozens, even hundreds of people out there creating weaIth for you whether you're working, playing, even sleeping.

Doug has put together a step by step plan for all of that works, so be sure to log in...

Click on Classroom...

And go through the 6 FlG AffiIiate Training.

If you haven't created your account to access all of the f.ree training yet, you can do that here.

Doug asked me to create a training on how I've been able to grow so quickly.

You can access all of my swipe and step by step plan here.

One of our amazing team members made us a FANTASTIC promotional page to send to build our affiliate army for SOS.

Just put YOUR AffiIiate ID after the (=) sign.

See image below for where to find your ID

So, in my case... I would replace the YOURID at the end with 165.

Make sure to thank Matthew Martin.

He's the awesome team member that made the page and edited my video.

Just a few more days before launch.

Go build your army that can help you create weaIth for decades to come.

Nick Bramble

P.S. Be sure to watch this video from me ASAP if you haven't yet, so you know how to maximize your results.

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