Subject: 🔵 Screwing over yourself and others today?

Today will screw up more futures than maybe any other day of the year, but also create the next...

Happy Friday Friend...

If you're in the states, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday.

I had an amazing day filled with family, friends, food, football (unless you watched my Lions)...

I wouldn't really call that football from them yesterday.

But, I'll take 8-3 with playoff hopes from a team that's been hugely frustrating most of my life.


Here's another quick tip this week that will help you to not screw up your future.

Plus the futures of the people you're meant to serve in the world.

Yep, it can be that big.

Consume on This Black Friday Deal Day With The Intention to PRODUCE For Yourself and Others, and Build a Better Future.

Instead of buying TV's that don't work any better than the 5 you already have...

Or, stupid white elephant gifts that will just be re-gifted, or thrown in a closet...

Take advantage of the BEST deals of the year on the tools, training, and resources that will help you build the future of your dreams.

If you do that, you won't even care about all the deals any longer.

Because you'll have the skills to produce weaIth in a way that you won't ever need those deals again.

So, if you're struggling to build your list and get traffic, get massive discounts on the products that will help you do that.

If you need a tool to build bigger, faster, and save you time while doing it, get that.

If you've been looking at starting a business and there is an opportunity to do that, do it.

When you consume today and through this "deal" season with the intention to level yourself up and give yourself the tools, skills, resources, and training to PRODUCE the life you want...

You'll much sooner be able to spend your time doing what you love the most.

With the people that you love the most.

And you'll have the time, lncome, and flexibility to serve the people, communities, and causes that God places into your heart at any moment.


Instead of some gadget or sweater or whatever else that you'll just be ignoring in a few weeks.

And hey...

If you do want to buy any of that stuff later, you'll be able to grab it when you want it at any price.

Nick Bramble

P.S.  Some of my favorite deals that I have personally scooped up, and that will help you build your dream future are below...

My top traffic and Ieads getting offer is here.

Currenlty, it's 70% off and I added a bonus to it for you.

My favorite tool for automating my business is here.

You can actually grab it here F.ree.

My favorite training on the REAL principles of creating massive long term weaIth and success is here.

It's literally the best offer I have ever seen.

It's real world value is over 1 MiIIion DoIIars!

Incredible as it sounds...

It's also F.ree.

And if you are looking for a business that will allow you to create a 6-FlG lncome in as little as 6 months or less for literally pennies per day...

This is the best deal on the planet for that.

Hope that helps you get closer to the future you desire and deserve, Friend

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