Subject: 🔵 Science of getting 💲 (inside)

Getting the wealth, time, and freedom that you want in your life is nothing more than a formula. It's science.

Do You Like Being Mind Controlled?

Me either.

That's why this statement by Wallace D. Wattles hit me like a bucket of refreshing cold water in the face this morning.

He wrote...

"It is as flagrantly wrong to coerce people by mental power as it is to coerce them by physical power.

If compelling people by physical force to do things for you reduces them to slavery, compelling them by mental means accomplishes exactly the same thing; the only difference is in methods.

If taking things from people by physical force is robbery, then taking things by mental force is robbery also.

There is no difference in principle."

This statement is exactly in line with how I have been thinking about the way I want to grow my business.

Because growing my business means a couple of things to me...

⭐ It means I am building people.

⭐ And it means I am building futures.

And what kind of future can I build really if it's based on...

❌ Timers.

❌ And Hype.

❌ And False Scarcity.

❌ And Fancy Manipulative Ad Copy.

Sure, those things may produce results.

But at what cost?

Is a person who decided to work with me because a timer was running out really ready or even wanting to work with me?

Probably not.

And are they really going to be excited to dive into something they just purchased in fear?

Plus, what kind of long term relationship can be established out of fear?

Not a very healthy one, in my opinion.

And if fear, and trickery, and hype, and manipulation doesn't lead to solid, trusting, LONG TERM relationships...

How can I possibly help you or anybody else create amazing futures?

I can't.

All of that to say this.

There Will Be No Fear, Hype Manipulations, or Trickery Here

I will always very simply...

👉 Show You Exactly What I Can Offer You

👉 Tell You How it Can Help You

And if you fully believe that what I have can help you create the freedom business you are looking for, then you can PARTNER with me.

That's it.

❌ Not buy something.

❌ Not join something.

❌ Not be alone, and frustrated, and confused.

Be My LONG TERM Partner.

Because after 2 decades of doing this...

I know that 100% of the people who make it to freedom, did so because of personal help.

So, here's what I have and how I can help.

✔️ If you believe that it's what you're looking for.

✔️ And if you believe that we are giving you WAY more value than what it costs you to get it, then...

I'm so excited to build futures together!


"Called Free to Be More"

P.S.  If you're the type who just scrolls to the bottom and doesn't read what I send, we're probably not a good fit to build freedom and futures together.

I'm not looking for clicks, or opens, or even sales.

I am looking for partners to positively change people lives with.

I'm looking for partners to create amazing futures with.


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