Subject: 🔵 ResiduaI lncome is NOT the answer

IF you want true, generational, walk away weaIth... THIS is the answer

I spent ALL of last week at this amazing place...

Walking beaches.

Being visited by manatees while floating in the ocean.

That was an AWESOME and unforgettable surprise!

They literally swam within inches of me.

We spent our days...

Eating amazing food.

Trying new, weird fruits that looked like that came out of Dr. Seuss books.


Renewing my energy, my faith, and enjoying some much needed extra closeness and connection with my beautiful wife.

We celebrated my birthday.

Our 25th anniversary.

And just flat out had a really amazing week. Free to do whatever we wanted.

Funny thing though...

Even though work wasn’t one of those things I chose to do (or even think about much)…

My team got bigger.

My business grew.

And my lncome INCREASED.

All in my complete absence.

It’s not really a new thing for me.

It’s happened a lot in the last 20 years.

But here’s a shift I recently made that accelerated the speed at which my lncome and my business grows…

I moved from plain ol’ boring residuaI lncome to what I call EXPONENTIAL lncome.

It’s lncome that doesn’t just keep coming in every month based on my own efforts (like residuaI)

It’s lncome that GROWS and swells every day…

Even in my absence.

Because it’s not based on just me.

At any moment, THOUSANDS of people are contributing to the growth of my team, my business, and my lncome every single day.

So, while residuaI lncome is cool.

It’s only based on me.

There’s a limit on what can be created.

But with exponential lncome, there are no limits.

Because there are thousands of people all over the world in every time zone contributing to my business growth every second of every day.

So now, I can leave for a week, do nothing and not just come back to a recurring income (like with residuaIs)…

I can come back to a recurring lncome that is BIGGER than when I left.

With zero effort from me.

Of course I still build and contribute to my own success.

But freedom of time and lifestyle to do whatever it is that you want, or that God puts into your heart…

Can only be had when what you make from an income standpoint can be made and grown in your complete absence.

Exponential lncome is true weaIth.

True freedom.

If you want to know more about it, I did a live presentation last night.

If you missed it and want to learn about exponential lncome...

I invite you to watch the replay here.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People

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