Subject: 🔵 Real, RAW footage leaked from last night

WOAH... it got real last night. Truth being spewed all over the place

It was real and RAW and without hype here last night.

I had an honest conversation about whats REALLY happening.

The numbers.

The truth.

What it means for your future.

I felt like I had to do it this way.

Because, I'm kinda tired of the way people talk about their products, services, businesses, training, and whatever in terms of what it "might" do...

Or, is "gonna" do.

You know the talk, Friend.

Stuff like...

"This is the next BiIIion doIIar thing."

Or vague comments like...

"This is the best this or that."

All without any real numbers.

All without proof to back it up.

And it's always kinda screamed at you with excitement to mask the truth, which is...

They don't really have any results.

They are selling sizzle... not steak.

Then what usually happens if they get you entranced enough to buy is that you realize the steak is kinda chewy, and burnt, and hard...

And not much like steak at all.

More like a grey sewer patty from McDonalds.

So, last night I got real.

I got raw.

I left out all the sizzle and showed you the world class "steak" RESULTS.

Because that's what you really want, right?


The ability to change your life.


That's why I think you're gonna love this.

Is it exciting?


SUPER exciting, I think.

But, because what you'll see in this replay is real.

It's actually happening.

Not because I am screaming and talking fast, and hyping up the sizzle.

Enjoy the change Freedom Builder.

And please do get back to me if at any moment you feel like partnering with someone and some thing that can get you REAL results.

Happy Wednesday!

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love people

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