Subject: 🔵 Ready for your gift Friend?

I'm so excited. It's on the way right now

Ready for my birthday and anniversary week extravaganza, Friend?

Here's the email I sent this weekend if you missed it... (this all start tomorrow... MONDAY, July 24th!)

This week is my birthday AND my 25th anniversary, so I won't be hanging around much in your inbox.

BUT, a super cool (and also 8-FlG) mentor of mine decided to pick up my slack and give me, and YOU a pretty amazing gift.

Don't worry, you don't have to do a single thing to get it.

But, get excited because If you are right now building a business that requires building teams...

Or, you just need WAY more customers for whatever it is you're building...

Next week starting on Monday, my friend is going to be delivering 5 straight days of exactly how to become an instant business building machine.

Plus, have people lining up BEGGING you to join whatever it is you're building.

Not only is my friend an 8-FlG earner himself, but he is the secret mentor behind EVERY success story in the industry for the last decade.

Yeah... he's THAT good.

And for 5 days next week to celebrate my birthday and anniversary, he agreed to show up in your inbox and give you the goods!

How cool is that?

At the end of these 5 days, you'll have the foundation to build anything you want with ease.

And even have teams of people loving you and tripping over themselves to join you in everything and anything.

So, get excited for that.

But wait... there's more! (I know. That's a cheesy line).

He's also letting me give away a few copies of his full course that people have paid THOUSANDS for for just $27 bucks.

When you have what's in this course, you'll literally have EVERYTHING you need to know about how to create a frenzy of people not just loving you and hanging on your every post, email, video, etc...

But, they'll be asking how to join you without you even having to ask or make an offer of any kind.

And most of it can be done at zero cost.

Anyway... as a gift to me, he's given me the chance to give you full access FOREVER for just $27 bucks one time.

If you want it, grab it here before the end of the weekend.

If not, he'll STILL show up Monday through Friday in your inbox next week and give you some of his BEST stuff.

He even said he might just have a special bonus planned for Saturday.

So, whether you get the full course or not... you win huge over the next week.

I'm super excited for you.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People

P.S.  I think this course would literally save 100% of the heartache and failure of an entire industry if everyone had access to it.

It's that good!

I'm making sure everyone on my team has it.

We're going to use the strategies to take out team to over 100,000 people over the next 12 months.

So, they're gobbling up most of the discounted copies I have to give.

Make sure you grab yours ASAP if you want one.

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