Subject: 🔵 Rare pic of me inside (NEVER seen before)

This may be the most rare picture of me ever...

This is the FIRST and ONLY time in my life that I have been on Lake Michigan in October in a bathing suit and no shirt!

Plus, I actually went swimming!

And the image was only possible because I spend time building weaIth in a way that gives me the ability to wake up and decide each morning what I wanted to do.

When my wife and I saw that it was going to actually be 80 degrees for a few days here in Michigan...

The choice was easy...

Get to our most favorite place in the world as quickly as possible, Lake Michigan.

It's actually surprising to me, and a little deflating...

How few grown adults actually have a choice of what they can do each day.

Few grown adults actually have several hundred extra dollars laying around to spend a couple of days at a nice hotel.

Eating fabulous food.

Spending time in their favorite places with their spouse.

And even fewer have been able to build their life in a way that THEY decide what to do with their time.

Seriously... most grown adults have to ask for permission to do what they want.

And mostly they are denied that time.

And 100% of the time, unless they call in sick, or lie...

Last minute time is NEVER an option.

Choice was actually one of the driving forces for me 20 years ago...

When I decided to build a business that allowed me to create lncome in a way that produces time and freedom.

It made me sick to my stomach that somebody else had control of what I could make.

What I could do.

And when I could do it.

So, on a Monday, which was always the hardest day of the week for me...

If you're feeling some of that "sick" that I used to feel, I'd like to offer you a different choice.

I'd like to give you the option to CHOOSE how you create lncome.

To create it in a way that allows you to decide when, where, and how to use it in ANY moment.

To create it in a way that allows YOU to wake up and decide what the day will bring.

If you're tired of lack.

Lack of lncome.

Lack of choice.

Lack of time.

Lack of LIFE.

This is probably more of what you are looking for.

When you can get away for a few minutes and check it out today, I think you'll love what you see.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People

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