Subject: 🔵 [REPLAY] My man crush, plus creating life long 💲 secrets

In this email I am going to reveal my man crush, plus a secret to endless cashflow from raving fans

It blows me away sometimes at how simple it is to create wealth, and time, and freedom in today's age...

Yet, so few people actually have any of it.

I believe you're going to love this email, because it has the ONE thing that separates those that do have those 3 things, and those that don't.

I wanted to do a quick "replay" of one of last weeks emails, because what's in it has really been speaking to me at a high level.

And I believe that when we keep hearing the same thing over and over again in our gut, or Spirit, or magical rainbow halo, or whatever you call it, we need to listen.

Even if you read it.

Be sure to read it again.

The secret to everything you've been chasing is in the words below.

Here ya go...

"Love Isn't Even a Strong Enough Word. I MUST do This!"

I have to admit, I listen to The Model Health Show Podcast by Shawn Stevenson, and I might have a bit of a man crush on his silky, smooth, jazzy voice.

Sorry if that's too much info, but even if the podcast sucked (it's awesome), I might still listen.

Anyway, although there was amazing health information, as always...

There was something special he said that I think can help you on your journey to growing a long term successful business.

He said this when asked if he loved doing his Model Health Show podcast...

"Love isn't Even a Strong Enough Word, I MUST do This!"

I write about this more in my book, but the reason this is important to YOUR long term ability to have 💲 flowing to you for life is because...

✔️ If you don't feel like there is some reason that you MUST do something.

✔️ That you MUST help a certain group of people.

✔️ That you MUST become good at your craft...

You Won't Make Any of The Long Term 💲 You're Trying to Make.

There are plenty of people mailing it in when it comes to the effort they put into serving people.

But, when you feel like you MUST do everything you can to serve your people...

And you put in the corresponding work to do that...

You'll not only serve at a very high level, but...

You Will Have Long Term Personal Success and a Raving Fan Base That Loves You (and sends you 💲) Forever.

To be honest, this may be the lesson that took me the longest to learn.

When I first got started, it was all about me.

My only thought was, how can I make as much 💲 as possible.

I thought that way for years, and no matter what I did, I was broke.

It wasn't until I put OTHERS first, and committed to doing everything I could to actually serve people and help people, that...

The 💲 Not Only Flowed Effortlessly, But it's Continued For Nearly Two Decades!

So, if you really want to create unlimited 💲 LONG TERM, make the shift.

Figure out who you want to serve.

Why you want to serve them, and...

Become OBSESSED with getting them everything they need to get the results THEY are seeking.

Your results will soon follow, and continue for as long as you stay a beacon of value.

I start going into detail on this on page 2, so you won't have to read very far. 😀

It's so critically important to your success, I had to start the entire book with it.

Enjoy the reading, and please let me know your thoughts on it.

I truly do love to interact with you.

You're not just a number on my "list."

I see you.

I get you.

I know how to get you where you want to be.

And I will do everything I can to help you get there.

Have an awesome Thursday!

It's almost Christmas... YEAH!


"Called Free, to Be More!"

P.S.  Join The Revolution. Live Free. Be More.

P.P.S.  Did you know you can give yourself a 💲120 raise every day giving away free copies of my book?

Details are here if you want them


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