Subject: 🔵 Playing Pickleball vs. Zombie walking (what's better?)

How to do what you want. When you want. With who you want. For as long as you want.

Play Pickleball or zombie walk through another day of existence?

Let me explain that weird sentence a bit by describing my day yesterday.

I got up when I chose to get up.

Typed an email to you.

Worked out.

Had an amazing brunch with my wife where I couldn't decide what I wanted, so I got both things.

The most incredible avocado toast I have ever had, and a tempeh buddah bowl that was perfection.

And finished the day off playing pickleball with my wife and daughter until the sun went down.

All on a random, unplanned Thursday.

Instead of doing what most people do (maybe you)...

And zombie walking through another day of existence, probably at a place you didn't want to be, performing the trade time to to pay biIIs act.

I did what I wanted.

When I wanted.

With who I wanted.

For as long as I wanted.

Pretty awesome stuff.

And it's been that way for 20 years now.

Because I learned to build f.reedom and create lncome on demand instead of trading time to build a tower of biIIs that made me a slave to the zombie walk.

If you want to take control of your days, and escape the zombie walk existence...

Maybe even join me on the Pickleball courts.

Here's a simple, fun, highly effective way to do it by the end of this year.

Nick Bramble

"Your F.reedom is Waiting. Let's Go Build it!"

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