Subject: 🔵 Personal video from me to you Friend

Happy Friday Friend...

I just wanted to send a quick email to thank you for being on this journey with me into helping Russell create the next ginormous wave of the world's most impactful entrepreneurs.

I am so excited about this project.

It's been such an amazing year...

And this is the perfect way to end it and go into 2024 mentally ready for anything.

I'm only 2 chapters into Elsie Lincoln Benedict's "How to Get Anything You Want,"

And already I feel unstoppable.

SOS so perfectly fits into who I personally want to become...

And with how I want to change the world.

For me... it's like God Himself designed 2 different projects for me this year and plopped them right into my lap.


I am excited for you and me and all the crazy people who want to become more, so we can be more for the world.

And again... with all of my heart, I thank you for being with me on this journey.

Whether you're an affiIiate, or a member, or both...

You're creating a much better future for all of us by just being a part of and sharing this project.

If you didn't see it yet, I made this video for you yesterday.

It has some HUGE Secrets of Success updates.

My thoughts of the future.

Me being so excited that I'm kinda spitting into the camera and more.

Hope you have an amazing Friday, Friend!

Oh... and if you're not a member and you want to be, see the P.S. below.

Nick Bramble

P.S. Did you grab your f.ree books and bonuses from Russell yet?

Grab it here today before they run out of books and you have to wait...

1.  Go here

2.  Use this email when grabbing the offer:

3.  Email me ASAP and let me know you grabbed it and I will send you a treasure trove of bonuses.

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