Subject: 🔵 Pay your Christmas bills fast with this lncome generating secret

How to do the opposite of what everyone else is doing and make fat lncome this Christmas


If you want to rake in some big time lncome this Christmas by doing the opposite of what everybody else is doing...

This 2 minute read is probably for you.

A lot of marketers make the mistake of taking this time of the year completely off.

Here are two reasons why that might be a bad idea for you.

1. You have less competition this time of year than most other times.

2. More people will be sitting at home over the next 2 weeks than pretty much any other time of the year.

They'll be scrolling through their feeds, checking emails, and be even more attentive to those little "dings" on their phones than ever.

Get some marketing out.

Get some messages out.

Send some follow up.

It's one of the easiest times of the year to reach people.

And here's a BONUS reason...

There are more people right now than any time of the year looking for change.

To change their health and weaIth specifically.

If you've got offers around either of those things, or both...

This is the perfect time for you to do something as simple as make a post, or send a quick email, or do a live, or a webinar...

And generate some quick, easy lncome to pay for all of that extra spending this year.

And because I am not one of those who teaches stuff that I actually don't even do...

Here are my top ways to generate some quick lncome over the next 2 weeks.

I recently updated that page to make it even easier for you to create the lncome, time, and f.reedom you want with your life...

So be sure to refresh it if you've been there before.

Let's Go Get Those Christmas Bills Covered F.reedom Builders...

And head into 2024 on the right side of things for a change.

Nick Bramble

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