Subject: 🔵 Oops. Did you forget?

Hey Friend...

Just a quick reminder that God created you to create.

Imagined you to image.

That you are both an artist at work, and a work of art.

Those feelings that you have to do more.

Have more.

Be more.

And give more are all proof that God is calling you to more.

More than just surviving doing work, or inside a life that doesn't inspire you...

He has called you to thrive.

More than just existing in a life that doesn't excite you...

God has called you to LIVE.

I was there once.

Zombie walking through life.

Knowing that there HAD to be something more.

This wake, work, eat, sleep, repeat cycle wasn't my purpose.

It wasn't the life God dropped me into eternity to live.

I was right.

When I stepped into those callings of my heart, LIFE started to happen.

Buried dreams emerged.

New and incredible thoughts were created.

Imaginations became reality.

Just like there is more for you.

That tugging at your heart is real, Friend.

That unsettling in your brain is the creativity, and imagination, and God given purpose screaming to come out.

It's the future urging you to build it.

And you're not alone.

Right now, I am partnering with an entire community of people just like you.

People who want have the skills, the tools, and the resources to create weaIth in a way that gives us the time and freedom to spend our time with those we love the most.

Doing the things we love the most.

And serving the people, communities, and causes that God continues to put into our hearts.

It will be 2024 soon, Friend.

No, that's not a typo.

Just like every year does, 2023 is going to zoom by.

Lets make 2023 the year your creativity turned into creations.

Your imaginations turned thoughts and dreams into reality.

That the artist in you paints a future of life, and hope, and abundance, and contributions.

The dreams and desires of your heart won't go away.

Unacted upon... they will haunt you with regrets.

But, acted upon...

Those same thoughts and dreams will produce a greatness in you that can give you everything you've been imagining and more.







It's all waiting for you.

For us.

Lets partner and make 2023 the year we unlock all of it!

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love people

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