Subject: 🔵 Only open if your boss isn't looking

Be honest... you hate your job. It steals all of your time and the reward is a life of...

Be honest... you hate your job!

(Told you to make sure the boss wasn't looking)

It takes up almost all of your time, yet at the end of the day you feel unfulfilled.

It pays you just enough to keep existing, you're not living anything close the the life you dream about.

You know that you were meant to do more.

Be more.

Have more.

Give more.

You start thinking about how crappy Monday morning is going to be on Friday evening.

I know all of this because I was there.

Then I got fired.

And it was the best day of my life.

That was about 3 weeks before Christmas in 2004.

I've never had a stupid job since and it's been amazing.

The good news is that you can do it to.

But, what does it take?

It simple.

It takes a real DECISION that you are going to create for yourself the life that you want.

You have to stop settling!

You have to raise your standards of what you'll tolerate, or nothing will ever change.

You'll never succeed at a level higher than what you'll tolerate.

And it takes gaining the skills to get you there.

A big myth in the online space is that you can create wealth, or a business, or any level of success before you have skills.

You can't.

Skills ALWAYS come before wealth.

The good thing, that the other myth is that the skills needed are super hard.

They're not.

Especially when you choose the right business model.

Because there are business models that allow you to build any type of business that you love...

Without most of the hard, techy, time consuming, expensive stuff that people stress about.

It literally is the first step to "Launching" you into the freedom you want.

It strips away all of the nonsense and stuff that hold people back (like creating products, websites, systems, handling customer service etc.)

And lets you focus on only the 3 most important skills things that will allow you to grow quickly and keep you free for life.

Smart entrepreneurs who grow and scale quickly know this...

The more you can have professionals handle the stuff you can't do, the faster you start, you grow, and you scale.

Now, if you're saying that sounds expensive... you're not thinking of what I believe is the perfect model...

Affiliate Marketing.

Affiliate marketing is so cool for lots of reasons, but here are just 3:

1. As I just wrote, it allows you to skip all the hard stuff and step in to a business that is ALREADY successful.

A professional creates all of the products.

A professional creates all of the websites.

A professional builds the sales funnel.

A professional writes the ads and copy and marketing materials.

A professional handles product delivery and customer service.

You just get to focus on the 3 business building skills that every successful person needs.

And those skills are not difficult and they can take you as little as 30 minutes per day.

I just give that away.

2. You can build a business around ANYTHING that you love.

Almost every company and product now both big and small has an affiliate or partner program of some sort.

So, no matter what you're interests or passions or causes are, you can find something to build a business around that makes sense and is fun and fulfilling to you.

3. It allows you to get started and you can see results quickly.

Listen, you know that you want to be job free in the next 12 months.

That's pretty hard to do if your business takes you months to learn all of the skills, then more months to implement them.

With affiliate marketing, you can literally have a real business set up today.

I could go on and on, but everything is inside The Freedom Launchpad if you want it.

And, at just $27 bucks one time, you can easily grab it without having to think about it.

I left it super inexpensive because I think getting as many people job free and pursuing what you love is the key to unlocking your greatness.

Waking up and doing something you love and feel connected to allows you to more quickly reach the highest version of yourself.

It allows you to start dreaming again.

And I fully believe that those who not only dream, but ACT on their dreams are the only people who positively change the world.

So Grab The Freedom LaunchPad Here

It will take just a minute or two and you can do it without getting caught by the boss.

Then spend the rest of the day dreaming about the life you want.

And when you get home, you'll have the exact step by step plan to launch your freedom by the end of this weekend.

Congrats on starting your job free journey!


Creator of The "Get Job Free" in 2021 Movement and The 30 Minute Workday

P.S.  You CAN Become Job Free, So you Can Work Less and Live Any Lifestyle YOU Choose!


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