Subject: 🔵 Only MRR can produce true Freedom

Inside of this email are the only 3 words that can ever truly give you freedom in your business

I am guessing that since you're reading my emails still that you want the "secret" to a business that produces not just income, but FREEDOM!

Freedom to do what you want.

Freedom to spend your time with those that you love the most.

Freedom to do all of the things that you love the most.

Freedom to serve the communities, causes, and people that you want to at a moments notice.

Freedom to just wake up and decide what it is that you want to do... and do it!

Without being held back by lack of finances.

Without being held back by lack of time.

Without being held back by anything at all.

You want true FREEDOM.

While were talking about it, here's a shameless freedom plug.

I just got back from a trip I took at a moments notice, to a place I've always wanted to go.

To see people who mean everything to me.

No hesitation for lack, or time constraints, or asking for permission.

I am just free to go, so I did.

And it was one of the best trips of my life.

If you reply to this email and guess correctly where I am... I'll send you an awesome present!

Anyway, back to your your freedom and what the heck this "MRR" means.

MRR stands for "Monthly Residual Income."

And it's so powerful that when it comes to companies being evaluated for being bought out, it's usually the main focus.


Because company A can swoop in, buy company B based on it's amazing MRR...

And enjoy an instant, ongoing revenue stream with very little work.

But since you're not trying to sell a billion dollar company, what does MRR mean for you.

Again, it means FREEDOM.

It means that you, as a person who creates income by recommending other people's products, services, and tools...

Your Main Focus Should ALWAYS be on MRR.

What can you recommend that brings in Monthly Recurring Revenue?

What can you recommend that is so awesome that the people in your audience would gladly pay monthly for years and years?

For example, I recommend products that have been paying me for over 10 years!

That means, I can put in the work one time...

And then I have happy customers wanting to continue contributing to my income for years.

Seriously... happily paying!

No begging.

No constant follow up.

No having to be trapped in an endless marketing loop trying to get new customers.

I just introduce my customers to the things they actually need, and that serve THEM long term...

And we're both happy.

They get the tools, services, and products that they actually need.

And I get an amazing recurring revenue with MINIMAL customers and work.

To give you an example of how few customers it takes to be free...

It's MRR is so incredible that I can focus on getting as few as 1 customer a week and live a totally free life.

Here's an image that breaks that down.

How incredible is that?!?

Most people (maybe you) think that it takes sale after sale after sale after sale to create freedom.

MRR changes the game.

It's like the "Unicorn" of perfect revenue.

Less customers.

Less work.

More Freedom!

When you truly understand the power of MRR, you'll never build a business built around any other type of revenue.

I actually go into this in much greater detail inside of my Freedom LaunchPad product in module #3.

Any questions on that offer, on MRR, or on anything else... please let me know.

I am here to help.

Now go get that MRR so you can work less and live more!


P.S.  Join The Revolution. Get Free. Be More

P.P.S.  Be sure to reply to this email and submit your guess for where my wife and I are at in the photo above.

I have a cool present lined up for you if you're right!


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