Subject: 🔵 Off to the Zombie Farm?

The zombie farm (thejob) won't get you the life you want.

It can't.

It's not even built for that.

I don't really have to explain it, right?

The wake, work, eat, sleep and not have enough time and/or lncome to do what you want life speaks for itself.

When you get tired enough of not enjoying the life and purpose and calling you were placed here by God to have...

It's waiting for you.

This is a pretty good place to start your escape from the existence of the zombie farm, and into life and life abundantly.

Because it takes less than 2 hours a day and you can work it into your zombie schedule

Nick Bramble

"Your F.reedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it."

P.S.  Like Michele says... God is good indeed and He wants more for and from you.

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