Subject: 🔵 OOPs (Time Change) LiveGood Party Tonight - You're Invited

Hey Friend...

It's Been 6 Months Since The LiveGood Powerline Was Launched and We're Celebrating by Getting You Sign Ups!

Never before in the history of the industry has a company grown to over 400,000 members in it's first 6 months!

And that's just the start of the incredible 6 months LiveGood has had.

Right now, we are re-writing the record books and completely changing how the entire industry works.

So tonight... we celebrate and ask that you invite EVERYONE that you can!

When you do, there is no way they will not be signing up as quickly as their little fingers can type.

Because, you just can't unsee the awesomeness of LiveGood once you see it.

And there is no turning back into the old, broken price gouging industry once you've got LiveGood on the brain.

Time: 9pm EST ( bI previously said 8pm. It's definitely 9pm EST)

Subject: How LiveGood is re-writing the record books, and creating an entirely new business model that is changing how people create weaIth..

Who to invite: EVERYONE!

This is going to be for BOTH pre-enrollees, and those who have not pre-enrolled yet.

Send this to everyone and anyone that you can.

Your link to Attend and Invite With is...

Just be sure that if the people you invite have not yet become pre-enrolled, that they have YOUR LiveGood tour link to enroll with.

Because at some point during this celebration, they WILL want to get started.

Get as many people here as you can!

Let's pack this presentation...

And Let's Grow Freedom Builders!

Nick and The Job Free Revolution Team!

"Go Bronze, Then Bless!"

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