Subject: 🔵 New MIF lncome (Results inside)

This is why I am adding this to MIF. Right now, you can get LIFETIME access to this

From an lncome generating angle, this is why I am adding MAP to my MIF platform...

That's just my first 36 hours.

Actually less because I got started on the 6th.

Now, to be clear, I am not showing you that because you are going to do the same.

Although you could if you have been building your MIF b.usiness and you have a steady lead flow going.

Here's what I am saying...

If people are this willing to grab the lifetime account for $797 right now...

When the monthlies become available, that $97 a month Platinum membership is going to convert like crazy.

And each of them are going to mean about 7O bucks a month in residuaIs for you.

And here's what 7O bucks a month means...

It will only take you around 7O saIes TOTAL to hit a 5K monthly residuaI.

That is crazy good.

And that's on top of everything you are already doing in MIF.

Of course, there will be lower levels, but I think that 97 level is going to be really good.

But, just imagine getting 75% of the 37, the 67, AND the 97 monthlies.

Those residuaIs are going to stack up.



Just wanted to check in and see what you were thinking about MAP, and if you had any questions.

You're more than welcome to wait until the monthlies come out.

If you'd prefer to wait, let me know and I will make sure you know the second they release.

But this lifetime option goes away when that happens.

Wouldn't it be cool to be getting YEARS of residuaIs, from a one time ever payment?

I think so.

Check it out here if you want the full overview I did.

One of the owners does a full back office walk through, so you can see EXACTLY what you're getting.

Plus, I did a really cool residuaI lncome potential break down at the end.

The numbers are crazy good.

And, I also did a "Why I Love MAP" video here.

This one shows why this is the answered prayer to beginning affiIiates who are struggling to have success with the affiIiate model.

Plus, shows you how to rig the game in your favor.

That's important, because if you aren't aware...

AffiIiate owners are mostly using you to create a long term b.usiness for them.

This allows you to flip the script.

But, only MAP is doing this right now.

Watch both and let me know if you have any other questions.

Nick Bramble

"Your F.reedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"

P.S.  I want to be super clear that this is not a requirement, and don't feel any pressure to grab it.

But, you will have a limited window that you can get LIFETIME access.

Hooray to no monthlies.

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