Subject: 🔵 Need more LiveGood SaIes? Meet us tonight

Hey Friend...

The new funnel is officially live and we're going LIVE tonight to talk about it.

Here's how just today went for me...

Truth is... it was more, but I couldn't fit them all in one image!

If you want to build LiveGood faster.

If you want to get PAlD BEFORE people sign up to LiveGood with you.

And if you want to pour rocket fuel on what is already the best b.usiness on the planet (LiveGood).

Or, if you just want more lncome in less time to come into your life more easily....

Come join us tonight.

We'll be doing some live Q&A at the end if you have questions on the funnel.

Here are the details:

Topic: How We're Making as Much as $200 a Day BEFORE People Join LiveGood With us!

And how YOU can too!

Time: Wednesday Jan 24, 2024 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 851 5657 8438

Passcode: 157142

Let's Grow Freedom Builders!

Nick and the F.reedom Builder Team

P.S. If you haven't seen the new funnel yet that is producing the results in the image above BEFORE we even get LiveGood sign ups...

Please log into your team back office here and click on "Funnels"

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