Subject: 🔵 Need PERSONAL help building an online business?

The fastest, simplest, least expensive way to build an online business is to get personal help from those who have done it

Is Confusion and Lack of Personal Help Keeping You From Building a Successful Online Business?

Ever wish that you could just have a 7-fig online mentor sitting right next to you, holding your hand, and patiently helping you do all of the right things in your business?

❌ So you could skip all of the confusion.

❌ Skip all of the wasted time.

❌ Skip all of the wasted money on things that just don't work.

💲 And jump into an immediately successful business.

If so, you're not the only one.

In fact, I believe the #1 people fail to create the success they desire is lack of real, personal help from those who have already done it.

We live in a world of webinars, and video trainings, and robotic sales.

And while all this is good at getting you information, it doesn't help you to turn that information into results.

And why I think you will too.

The community help has totally changed Josh's life...

There is so much PERSONAL help here.

I've never seen anything like it in my 20 years online.

Here's just some of the PERSONAL help available:

There are 11 LIVE and interactive training, mindset and Q&A sessions every single week!

The focus is on getting you LIVE help so you can get your questions answered in real time and move quickly without confusion.

These 11 Session Include:

  • Daily (M - F) Mindset calls that give you the opportunity to interact, ask questions, and unlock the mindset of success.

  • Daily (M - F) Over The Shoulder Marketing training.

Watch over the shoulder as some of the most successful marketers on the planet show you exactly what they do on a daily basis.

This is the sneak peek into "what's actually working now" that you always wish you had.

  • A Once Weekly Community Mastermind where members of the community who are getting the most amazing results, jump on weekly and spill the beans on exactly how they are doing it.

As with all the live events, this training is fully interactive letting you ask questions and get immediate answers from people building freedom businesses online at the highest level.

And while the goal is to get you the help you need quickly in live environments...

All sessions recorded and archived if you can't make them live.

Access to a 24/7 LIVE chat where you can get help in minutes any time of the day.

A super active Facebook group that provides another level of 24/7 support.

And I'd really have to write you a book describing all of the personal help and support this amazing community gives.

But, I'll just give you a quick sneak peek here that you can check out if you want to see how we're changing lives and building better futures TOGETHER.


"Called Free to Be More"

P.S. Here's one last comment. All of these are coming in LIVE right to our community groups, live DAILY trainings, and personal 24/7 help chats...

Personal help does exist and it's here if you'd love to have the 24/7 help you've been secretly dreaming about.


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