Subject: 🔵 NEW LiveGood Goodies (to get you saIes)

Hey Friend...

I've been a little quiet, but it's because I have some surprises for you.

I found a way to build all of your funnels...

Write all of your emails both broadcasts and autoresponders)...

Build a blog for you...

Even run a nightly automated webinar for you and do all of the follow up.

And guess what... it's f-ree!

Plus, you can access all that I build for you in a couple of mouse clicks and use all of it as your own.

So, I have been quiet building some stuff for you in the background this past few days.

Because when I get back from vacation next week...

I am launching it into the team site.

If you want me to build all of your pages and funnels, supply your emails, and more for LG, this is how it's going to happen.

Going forward, this is how we are going to become a Diamond Factory at LiveGood.I'm so excited about this.

Especially because it's completely f-ree and it can grow with you to any size that your business and team grows.

Any questions, let me know.

I'll be on vacation until Tuesday, but if you hit me up on Telegram... I'll get back.

Love you guys and I am super excited.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love people

P.S.  There is an affiIiate code to this that will be added to the site, so this is going to my personals first, then added to the team site when I get back.

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