Subject: 🔵 My secret is that I love you

this is my biggest secret that I haven't been sharing with anybody lately.

My Biggest Secret to Success is That I Love You!

It's true... I do.

And as a result, my goal is to SERVE you the best information, tools, strategies, and whatever I can to help you get results.

The reason why so many fail to build long term, sustainable businesses online is not in the tactics.

You can learn the tactics in a day.

The Reason People Fail is That They Are Not Emotionally Connected to Their Cause and to The People They Are Trying to Serve.

Here's why that is true...

Human make decisions emotionally.

They make decisions based on connections, and trust, and respect.

Then, they justify them logically AFTER they decide.

Including buying stuff.

Sales then... which is a requirement of success in your business, is about connecting emotionally.

And when you are truly passionate about your message.

When you actually do love the people you are helping get results.

You are connecting.

You are moving with.

You are positively influencing people to make decisions.

Lack of passion for your message, and lack of love that makes you want to serve people has a trickle down effect.

If people don't feel connection, they don't trust.

If they don't trust, they don't respect.

If they don't respect, they don't listen.

And if you're just "promoting" or "presenting" something, people FEEL that lack of love and connection and passion.

You can't fake it.

It WILL show up in your business as lack, and you will fail to build anything long term of sustainable.

So, if you're struggling to build a business online, I encourage you to look at 2 things first.

1. Do you actually love the people you are trying to serve in a way that it's painful for you to see them struggle

2. Are you passionate about the message, the products, the services, or the tools you are standing behind?

It's 100% true that when you have love for the people you are wanting to serve...

And when you are passionate about your message...

You Will Never Have to Sell a Day in Your Life

You're just serving the people that you love, by providing them solutions that you are completely passionate about.

When you can do that... success still requires work, but that work feels so much easier and fulfilling to do.

If you want to turn your passions into a business that serves the people that you love...


Creator of The Freedom LaunchPad, and The "Get Job Free" in 2021 Movement

P.S.  You CAN Become Job Free, So you Can Work Less and Live Any Lifestyle YOU Choose!


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