Subject: 🔵 My first 100k (the secret behind)

It might surprise you how easily that first 100k came once I started doing this, and stopped doing this...

It was December of 2004.

I was out of money.

Because I was nearly 50k in debt from buying endless courses, and hacks, and "guru" trainings, and businesses.

I was out of time.

Because I was being let go from my job 3 weeks before Christmas with a growing family to support.

A year later, I had generated over 101k online, and have been free to do whatever I wanted ever since!

To celebrate heading into my 18th year of FREEDOM, I am re-launching my YouTube Channel.

The goal is to...

Give you every single thing I know, do, and use to be free and maintain a 30 Minute Workday lifestyle absolutely free.

So, I wanted to ask a favor in return...

Would you go to Youtube right now and...

Type "Nick Bramble Called Free Life" in the YouTube search bar and hit enter?

Just like this...

When you do, you'll see this video...

Step #1: Watch the quick video...

Step #2: Subscribe to the channel if you want my endless free content.

Step #3: Drop me a comment and let me know what you liked best about the "Revolution" I am starting.

When you do all 3 of those things, I will send you a private training on The 30 Minute Workday Formula that I've never publicly released...

But that will give you my latest strategy for living the 30 Minute Workday lifestyle.

You'll love it is you want to create freedom by making maximum 💲 in minimal time.

If you don't want all of my best stuff 100% free, no big deal.

I just wanted to let you know where it will be for you if and when you do want it.

Thanks again and have an amazing weekend!


"Called Free to Be More"

P.S.  Here's how to access the new channel again:

Go to right now.

Type "Nick Bramble Called Free Life" into the search bar.

Click on this video...


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