Subject: 🔵 My dumb 2024 mistakes (turn them into YOUR residuaIs)

Boy, was I kinda dumb in 2024. Not sure what came over me.

I think the entrepreneur brain makes me dumb sometimes.

And I hear it from a lot of other entrepreneurs.

We do stuff.

It works and we have massive success.

We get bored.

We move on to something else and forget about the thing already working.

Seems dumb, right?

Because it is.

And in 2024, I did something weird and dumb.

After 20 years of focusing mostly on residuaI lncome...

I spent most of 2024 creating lncome on single saIe bigger ticket stuff.

Now, don't get me wrong, it has it's place.

And I actually used it to generate a pretty substantial lncome in 2024.

But guess what I learned?

I learned when I want to go on vacation for 2 months as I often do in the summer...

lncome gets pretty slow.

It's actually like crickets in here sometimes.

Now, don't worry about me.

I'm fine.

I just don't really like the sort of "binge and purge" style of lncome.

I like consistent daily, always growing residuaIs coming in.

Even when I am not working.

Even when I am on vacation.

Even when I just feel like doing something fun or impactful for a bit.

So... it's back to the residuaIs for me.

But, there is more.

I've also spent most of the last 20 years building teams of people who build residuaIs together.

That way, the residuaIs pour in when I am not working.

But even better...

They GROW in my absence.

I call this exponentiaI lncome.

Because it not only remains consistent in your absence, but it grows like wildfire as you have dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of people at any moment contributing to your lncome.

So, one off bigger ticket stuff will have it's place in my ecosystem.

But a much smaller one.

It's back to partnering with people to build residuaIs.

Because here's a couple of questions that kind of wraps this up...

1. Would you rather create lncome only when you're working, or 24/7 no matter what you're dong?

ResiduaIs come in no matter what.

2. Would you rather have lncome that grows only from your efforts...

Or, be getting lncome 24/7 from dozens, hundreds, even thousands of people all over the world in every time zone?

When you look at it that way, I think pretty much everyone would say I prefer the residuaI/partner model.

So, if you want to partner with me.

If you want 24/7 residuaIs.

Here are two ways to do that.

Nick Bramble

"Your F.reedom is Waiting. Let's Go Build it!"

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