Subject: 🔵 My daughter slapped me

Dang... that hurt. What the heck is happening right now?

💥 SLAP! 💥

Right across the face.

Take that dad!

It stung.

I definitely felt it.

And it woke me up like I'd just stepped into the negative temps outside here in Michigan bare chested...

While getting a cold bucket of water tossed at me.

Yep... I'm up!

Here's the deal.

I've been building everything possible for the last couple of years like a dang "guru."

Everything except for my business.

I've built systems.

And email series.

And funnels.

And on and on and on.

Here's what I should be building as an affiIiate pro.

That working with my daughter who is learning the affiIiate game has reminded me...

1. I should be building my List and audience.

2. I should be building my Content

That's it.

And with that list and that content...

I should be following up with you who are on that list.

Showering you with amazing content that will serve you, and gets you closer to the result you want.

Want to know something?

If what you want to be is an affiIiate, so you can build the ultimate F.reedom b.usiness...

One that will give you endless time, lncome, and f.reedom to do what you want.

With who you want.

Where you want.

And serving the people, communities, and causes that God puts into your heart.

All YOU need to be doing is...

1. Building your list and audience

2. Building up your content.

3. Sending that amazing content to the list you're building.

That's it.

If you're doing anything else...

Stop right now.

Plug into an affiIiate system that does all of the other stuff for you.

And build that F.reedom b.usiness that you REALLY want.

In this email is what I am plugging into right now to f.ree me up to be an affiIiate again.

To allow my daughter to be the affiIiate that she wants to be and build f.reedom the right way.

My daughter and I are plugging into this completely done for you multiple lncome stream b.usiness.

Every single thing you can imagine from traffic to saIe to taking care of your customers after the saIe is done for us.

So we can be affiIiates.

And we can build F.reedom.

So we can do what we love.

With who we love.

From anywhere in the world we love.

And serve the people, communities, and causes that God keeps revealing to us.

While always having the abundance of time, lncome, and f.reedom needed to do all of it.

Sound awesome?

Then you'll probably want to...

Create Your Account Here if You've Been Slapped Back into Your F.reedom Dreams Too.

Nick Bramble

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