Subject: 🔵 My #1 Converting Traffic Source

There are a gazillion ways to drive traffic to your offers, but which one converts the best?

It's easy to get overwhelmed by all of the ways to get traffic these days, right?

But you wanna know what has ALWAYS been the highest converting traffic source for me...

And every marketer in every niche, ever?


More specifically, having your OWN email LIST that you add to every single day.

If your list isn't growing, your business is dying.

There is no in between.

Your growing the size of your list DAILY, or your business is slowly dying.

The coolest thing about an email list outside of it being YOURS that nobody can take away...

Once somebody is one it, it's like a F.REE traffic source that you can reach in an instant.

Many don't even think of email as a traffic source, but it's the very BEST one.

It's not social or shorts or reels.

It's not YouTube.

It's not SEO.

It's not paid ads, or solos.

The highest converting source of traffic will ALWAYS be your EMAIL list.

Everything else you do is to either grow your list...

Or, a place where you can put your value, content, etc. to serve that list.

But, your list is where you get the fastest and best conversions.

In this world of home business, and affiIiate marketing, and NM...

Building your OWN list is the one thing that is most often overlooked.

Never... ever... ever send your hard earned traffic to a company page or capture page.

ALWAYS send them to YOUR own capture pages first, so you can capture the lead and be able to follow up with them over time.

Your email list IS your business.

Build it.

Serve the people on it with value and actually help them get results.

And send them offers that will genuinely get them closer to the results they are seeking, and/or will help them get the faster, easier, less expensively, more conveniently, etc.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People

P.S.  The funnel that I am finishing this week has a done for you capture page that will allow you to build your list without any tech hassle.

It's part of a completely done for you super funnel that includes capture page, offer page, follow up emails, content and more.

You can see it here and actually get it 1OO% F.REE if you love it.

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