Subject: 🔵 Monday is gonna suck

you can already feel it weighing down on your chest like a ton of bricks, can't you? Those Monday dreads are in full effect right now

It's already happening, isn't it?

Monday isn't even here yet and it's already sucking the life out of you.

Ready to create a different future?

My community and I can help show you how to enjoy a 50k to 100k yearly income in as little as 30 to 60 minutes per day.

So you can live the life you're called to.

A life where you spend your time with those you love the most.

Doing the things you love the most.

And contributing to the people, causes, and communities that you feel called to serve.

Here's how it works:

First... we literally hand you a ready to go multi million dollar business that is RIGHT NOW producing this amount per month in sales (see image below):.

Before I move on, take a second to think about how long it would take you to build a business from scratch that does that kind of monthly revenue.

Could you even do it?

If you could, would you want to?

Because we handle ALL of the hard, techy, time consuming stuff FOR YOU.

✔️ Sales Funnel is done for you.

✔️ Emails written for you.

✔️ Customer service is done for you.

✔️ Ad copy is done for you.

✔️ What's working to generate leads and sales is given to you.

✔️ Product delivery and fulfillment is done for you.

After we give you the already PROVEN and profitable business...

We pay you 80% commissions on every sale generated for life.

We've already paid out the following to our current partners (make sure images are turned on):

It's all so simple that you can have a business up and running TODAY that generates leads and sales.

And when it's all up and running, here's where it actually gets exciting.

We will continue to work PERSONALLY with you on a DAILY basis to make sure that you can generate money, time, and freedom for the rest of your life!

No more business hopping.

No more shiny object stuff.

No more companies flaking out on you, taking your money and running.

We're here to work with you LONG TERM to help you change your life and avoid those life sucking Mondays for good.

Isn't it time for a change, Friend?

Aren't you starting to feel it?

You probably felt it when you woke up this morning after YEARS of working the J.O.B. and you still don't have any time, money, or freedom to speak of.

You might feel it now as you think about Monday, and how it sucks the life out of you.

You deserve to be happy.

You deserve to get energy from the work you do, instead of being drained by it.

You deserve all of those dreams floating around in your head and heart.

Let's work together to create something better.

Right here. Right Now.

Oh... and one more thing that I think will speak to your heart.

Every sale we make.

Every sale you make here generates meals for starving children all over the world.

To date, we have provided over 138,000 DAYS worth of meals to children.





Doesn't that sound better than a lifetime of soul sucking Mondays?

If you think so, all the info is here.

I'm here too if you need anything.

Just reach out in any of the ways that you see below, or reply to this email.

If you have questions, just ask!

Here's to a lifetime of amazing Mondays, Friend.

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"


P.S. You can text me using the number above, email me anytime by hitting reply, or catch up with me on any of the channels below.

I get back to ALL messages, and I really do love to hear from you.

Reach out anytime.


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