Subject: 🔵 Mon-Yah!

Are you loving Monday, or wishing it was already Friday?

Not sure why you think your life has to be this wake, work, eat, sleep, repeat nonsense...

But it doesn't.

You were meant to do more.

Have more.

Be more.

Give more.

Live more.

And you feel it, don't you?

You know why?

Because you're actually called by God to be f.ree.

These Monday dreads won't ever go away if you don't step into the calling.

They'll just get worse.

Eat at you.

What's interesting is that in Galatians, God seemed to know that we'd struggle with this f.reedom.

He made sure it was written to us that...

"For f.reedom, Christ set us f.ree."

Kind of a "well, duh" moment, right?

What else would you be called f.ree for?

Until you think about all of the ways we actually use our f.reedom to trap ourselves.

God knew we'd have a tendency to waste our f.reedom on unfulfilling activities, habits, actions, addictions, etc.

We'd have a tendency to use our f.reedom of choice to do things that put around our necks a "yoke of slavery."

If you're feeling f.ree in that place of work this Monday, great.

Embrace it.

Be the best you can be there.

But, if it makes you feel like a slave...

You just might be misusing your f.reedom.

For me, I always felt like a slave.

Until I made the choice to use my God given f.reedom to actually be f.ree.

Here's what I believe is the one of the best ways for you to get f.ree.

Hope your Monday is a Mon-Yay, Friend.

Nick Bramble

"Your F.reedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it."

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