Subject: 🔵 Miss me?

Have you missed me, Friend?

I've missed you, but truthfully...

I've been having the time of my life being a part of building something that is seeing over 5,000 NEW people get PAlD every single week.

I'm having so much fun that I have made a decision...

I am going into full build mode on this.

So, everyday, this is all you're going to see.

Because, I am in full legacy wealth mode right now building something for me, my family, and all of those that God puts in front of me to serve.

I talk a lot resldual lncome, but truth is... there' aren't many ways to actually get it.

Then I heard a story about a passed away (dead) Network Marketer last night that blew my mind...

Even though he's been gone from this earth for over 3 years, his family is still getting multiple 6 FlGs PER MONTH.

And, even better...

It's not getting smaller.

It's actually GROWING!


Because he focused on ONE thing for a long period of time and built something once that has paid him for DECADES.

Even after death!

So, my legacy wealth project has begun, and I am using this.

For lot's of reasons, but here are a few.

Timing DOES matter in this type of thing.

And, you have the unique chance to be first in something for probably the first time in your life.

Now, I am not talking about first into something unproven and risky.I am talking first as in getting in during the first MOMENTUM phase.

In December of 2022, this had 2,000 total members.

In the first 90 days... we hit 100,000 PAlD members.

Then something magical happened.

In the last 30 days...

We added another 100,000 PAlD members.

What took us 90 days originally, just took us only 30 days.

And we are actually at over 250,000 PAlD members.

Because we're now adding as many as 7,000 NEW PAlD members PER DAY!

Momentum is here.

And you can ride the wave, or get run over by it.

But what you can't do, is deny it.

Some more reasons why I am going full force into this.

It's the highest converting offer I have ever seen.

⭐ Company wide, over 39% go from free tour taker to PAlD in less than a week.

Personally, I am seeing more than 75% of everyone I show this to get started right away.

Which also makes it simple for YOU.

Just show the super high converting link to as many as you can.

Nothing fancy.

Nothing technical.

⭐ There are at least 5,000 brand NEW paychecks being created every single week.

What does that mean?

It means that people are winning!

And winning fast.

⭐ It's only $9.95 per month.

EVERY person on the planet who isn't living in a third world country with no running water can afford this.

True mass market ability, which is critical for legacy weaIth building.

No forced autoships making you buy hundreds of dollars of products to get paid.

Our product IS the $9.95 membership, so that is all that is required.

BIG lncome Potential on a tiny monthly payment.

That tiny less than $10 per month has already created over 21 people that have a walk away 6 FlG lncome.

And that's just in the first 100 days!

More hit that level EVERY WEEK.

I've been in companies where it literally costs 15x to 20x more and less than 10 people hit that amount of residuaI lncome..

It's because, instead of only getting pald on our own efforts...

⭐ We get PAlD on EVERY person on our team whether we brought them in our not!

For example...

I have personally signed up 60 people, but I am getting PAlD on nearly 2,000!

And that grows by nearly 100 more per day sometimes!

Whether I get out of bed our not.

I will argue that there is not a business, or opportunity, or anything on the planet outside of getting lucky with a lottery ticket that can produce more walk away legacy weaIth like this.

And that's why I am going full, maybe annoying marketing in your face every day with this.

I'll mix it up with testimonials.

More insane numbers.

My personal love affair with the products we can get up to 90% off on with our tiny membership (if we choose, nothing forced).

But this legacy weaIth builder is all you'll be seeing from me.

Because I believe you really only get one chance at something like this.

And this is mine.

It could be your legacy weaIth machine too, if you choose to partner with me here, and put your head down for the next 12 months.

Because over 1 MiIIion people will pile into this by the end of the year.

You can have the potential to get paid on them, or we both can.

One this is for sure...

I will be leaving my family, and all who God puts in front of me an never ending, constantly growing, world changing level of weaIth with this.

I'd love for you to join me.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People

517-258-2203 (Text Only)

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