Subject: 🔵 Marketing Stink, and I Quit

I was totally blind sided by this audio I got today and so you're getting a really amazing treat

This is not the video I has intended to send to you today.

But, as God does sometimes, he blind sides you with the stuff you really need.

This video and a special un-announced private audio speaks to the heart of what I wanted to deliver more than I ever could.

It's humbling.

It's an honor.

It's one of the most personally uplifting things I've ever heard.

And it's the heart of WHY I want to help you.

And why there is a community of people ready to give you everything they have...

So YOU can reach your goals and dreams, and experience true freedom.


"Called Free to Be More"

P.S. What we as a community are offering you really is different, and may just be the blessing you've been waiting on.


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