Subject: 🔵 Main piece of my generational weaIth plan

In 2024, the structure of my business is changing.

But, some of the LONG TERM pieces that will create generational weaIth for me and my family, won't.

Like LiveGood for example.

Why LiveGood is staying a part of my long term, generational plan as long as it exists...

Everyone wins.

Literally, everyone.

Because the product is a membership club, and if you actually USE the product you bought (novel idea in this industry sometimes)...

You actually create more lncome for your family.

For example...

Using the membership saves me over $14O a month.

So, I am spending $14O LESS than I was before LiveGood existed.

And getting better quality supplements as a result.

Better health and increased csh-flw just by being a member.

It's literally impossible to lose with LiveGood from that standpoint alone.

But for those of you, like me, who have a marketing side...

The stats and conversions are record breaking and breath taking.

I've been at this for 20 years and have never seen anything like it.

Well, duh... that's the definition of record breaking, right?

Fair point.

But here are the numbers.

In an industry where less than 5% ever break even, EVER...

Over 30% of LiveGood affiIiates break even.

Most in less than 7 days.

After nearly 1 MiIIion PAlD members, the stats show that over 30% of all leads, become PAlD members.

That's astounding.

Oh... and those nearly 1 MiIIion (932k to be exact) came in LESS THAN 12 months.

A literal record.

Even Amazon did only about half that in it's first year.

The affiIiate fee is just $4O.




The membership is just 33 cents a day.

Yes, even though it's such a tiny cost, it's producing a RECORD amount of 6-FlG producers every week.

That's on top of over 5,OOO NEW people getting paychecks every week.

So, to summarize.

Best products in the market.

Lowest prices.

Lowest cost affiIiate business in the space.

Highest converting offer in the industry... by far.

Which is resulting in the highest number of 6-FlG producers being created.

And to top it all off, the ownership truly puts PEOPLE over profits.

Most companies take an 8 or 12 doIIar product and make it $1OO just so they can drive around in lambo's and vacation on your dime.

LiveGood's entire model is to give the lowest prices possible, and pay people on the membership.

Think Costco.

They make a surprisingly TINY amount of revenue from the products in the store.

But... they have over 125 MiIIion card members who pay just to get the massive discounts.

This produces BiIIions in revenue.

Seem like a good company model to follow?

I think so too.

And it's why I think LiveGood will be here 20 years from now providing generational weaIth for me...

My family.

And those I want to serve in the world.

From a b.usiness standpoint...

It's probably worth taking a flyer on something that is producing REAL results right now because it's only $9.95 a month.

Heck... with the new year coming and tons of people making a commitment to change their health...

At least you can help them (and maybe you) save BIG on the stuff you're going to be buying soon anyway.

Here's direct access if you want to take a f.ree tour.

Nick Bramble

P.S.  If you've been hearing about this F.reedom Revolution I started and want to be a part of my F.reedom Builder's community...

Let me know.

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