Subject: 🔵 Magic WeaIth Formula (why you'll never have it)

It seems weird, but those who chase the doIIar without doing these two things ALWAYS have less

I was able to do this last week.

With a brand new b.usiness that I myself started on the 6th.

The same day the lncome started rolling in.

But, as a word of caution...

This WILL NOT happen for you if you are chasing weaIth without first chasing the 2 things I talk about below.

Or, at least the first one.

In fact, you'll probably just be broke and unhappy.

So, see what's possible when you are chasing the right things by looking at the image below.

Then continue reading for the TRUTH on how to be able to do it for yourself.

That instant lncome was a blessing to me, my family, and to those I'll be able to serve with it.

But, if you're like 97-99% of the people who are just "chasing doIIars..."

You'll never see anything like it for yourself.

A really BIG revelation that I hope you'll learn faster than I did is this...

Those that chase the doIIar without skill and service ALWAYS end up broke.

Not sometimes.


Yes, unless you're a liar, you want more doIIars.

But, for years, I bounced around from b.usiness to b.usiness, and from company to company thinking I just needed the right lncome producing venture.

The right vehicle.

Like everyone on the path I was on...

I failed miserably to the tune of up to 5Ok in the hole, and almost losing my house.

Which is a pretty common story.

Here's when things changed for me.

And how they can change for you.

Yes, I have continued to want and I continue seek increasing my weaIth.

Because I can't have the impact in the world I want to have without it.

Because God gave me the power to create weaIth for a reason.

And, let's be honest...

Because life IS more fun with it.

It won't make you happy in and of itself.

But it takes care of about 90% of the stuff that screws people up.

But, the truth is...

I never created any weaIth, and you won't either until you chase the things that actually allow you to get it.

1. Skills.

2. And serving others.

Not having skills is like a person saying I wan't to be a professional race car driver...

And doing nothing more than buying a fast car and sitting in it.

Not only will the car not go, but unless you get SPECIALIZED skills...

You can't possibly be a pro.

But, this is how a lot of people treat creating weaIth online with an online b.usiness.

They join.

Do a lot of nothing.

Learn absolutely nothing.

And then cry 30 days later when they aren't weaIthy.

I know, I was one of the crybabies for a long time.

Funny thing happened though when I learned just ONE skill.

At the time, it was generating leads with Google ads.

I learned that ONE skill.

Sent the leads to the fast car I bought that was previously just sitting in the driveway (the b.usiness I joined)...


A year later I had my first 1OO,OOO year online.

Not because I was in the right vehicle.

But, because I learned to drive it.

And learning to drive it is how you take advantage of a fast car.

As I went a long, I went from just learning skills to help myself...

To sharing what I learned and helping others get the skills faster.

I served people.

Doing that, is what allows me to start a brand new b.usiness and in 36 hours generate over 4,5OO in extra lncome like magic.

Skill alone makes that pretty tough.

If you want to step into the real life changing weaIth...

You've got to help people to the level that they trust you enough to say "yes," even before they know what it is that you're doing.

That's how you create massive impact and lncome the fastest.

COMBINING skill with service with the right vehicle.

That's the magic weaIth formula that works in EVERY industry on the planet.

Yes, you can create lncome with only skill and the right vehicle.

Heck, for years I helped myself to a pretty easy 1OO,OOO per year on my skill alone.

So, if you're not ready to serve yet, at least get the skills and save yourself.

Eventually your Spirit will call you to serve, and that is where you'll change generations.

For now though...

The bare minimum isn't what most people think...

Just having the right vehicle.

It's getting into the right vehicle AND getting the skills to drive it.

All of that to say that I believe that THIS may be the perfect vehicle for you to drive to that first or next 1OO,OOO online.

Because not only is it one of the TOP vehicles on the market.

Inside of it, you'll be provided with ALL if the skills that you will ever need.

So, you can (if you get the skills) go from O to 1OO,OOO much faster as you'll be able to earn AS you learn.

But remember, without the learning part (and putting that knowledge into action)...

You'll never build ANYTHING.

Don't be the dummy that I was for years and end up 5Ok in the hole and about to lose your house.

Do it right from the beginning.

Or at least do it right now, if you've made the same mistakes I did already.

Because just like I did 20 years ago...

You can have a new life 12 months from now if you do it this way.

Right vehicle.

Right skills.

Right actions.

It can be that simple.

I'll be here to help you when you need it.

Nick Bramble

"Your F.reedom is Waiting. Let's Go Build it!"

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