Subject: 🔵 Love God AND WeaIth Friend?

Do You Have a Heart for Jesus and Want to Build a 1OOk business in 2023 While You Build The Kingdom and Serve God?

Then you'll probably LOVE The Kingdom WeaIth Project.

What is The Kingdom Wealth Project?

The vision is to build the largest community of Kingdom minded, servant based entrepreneurs on the planet who have the skills, the tools, and the resources to create weaIth in a way that...

Gives us the time and freedom to spend our time with those we love the most.

Doing the things we love the most.

And serving the people, communities, and causes that speak to our hearts.

You're here right now because you know that God didn’t create you to “exist” and “survive.”

You were created to THRIVE in a way that allows you to SERVE, and GIVE of your time, weaIth, and freedom.

You Are Called Free by God to Love and Serve Others

Several years ago, I asked God kind of a scary question.

I asked Him what He wanted me to do with the tools, skills, resources, talents, and desires that He'd given me.

His answer...

Galatians 5:13

He said, you have been called free to use your freedom to love and serve others.

Use everything I have given you to help others be free to love others and build My Kingdom.

And truthfully, I ignored that answer from God for a long time.

But, night after night I would wake up feeling empty, even when I had a thriving business.

And then God spoke again...

You're building for you.

I gave you those thoughts and desires to build the Kingdom.

"Whatever you do, do it from the heart, as something done for the Lord ..."

(Colossians 3:23)

Set my people free, and together use your time, talents, weaIth, skills, and freedom to love on people and build the Kingdom.

And with that, The Kingdom WeaIth Project is born.


Kingdom because it’s for Him.

We spend so much time building other people dreams and visions and missions.

If they don’t align with what God put into our hearts to do, not only do we struggle...

But those we are here to serve and give into suffer as well.

But when we seek first the Kingdom of God... ALL things are added onto us (Matthew 6:33).


God gave us the power to create weaIth (Deuteronomy 8:18).

But as God enriches us in every way, His plan is that it be used for all generosity. (2 Corinthians 9:11).

So weaIth is both for us, and also meant to come FROM us to serve and love others which brings thanksgiving to God and builds the Kingdom.

But What is WeaIth?

Not just money.

True wealth = Money + Time + Freedom

So, it's the goal of The Kingdom WeaIth Project to help you build true weaIth.

To give you the skills, and tools, and knowledge, and ability to create lncome in a way that gives you the time and freedom to use it to serve.

To spend time in the communities, and WITH the people and causes who need us to be present with more than just our "thoughts and prayers" from a distance.

To Be a PRESENT Help in Times of Need.

Allowing God, through us...

To be a source of refuge, and strength and very present in times of trouble for others. (Psalm 46:1)


Project, because it's gonna take long term work.

But not work in the sense that it's a "job" like you're used to.

It's knowing that when we are working FOR the Lord, that nothing we do is useless (1 Corinthians 15:58).

When your work is a job, and it's not in line with what God has for you, even Solomon said...

"For what does a person get with all of his work and efforts that he labors at under the sun? For all his days are filled with grief, and his occupation is sorrowful; even at night, his mind does not rest."

(Ecclesiastes 2:22-23)

But what does Solomon say when your work is for God?

"There is nothing better for a person than to eat, drink, and enjoy his work. I have seen that even this is from God's hand."

(Ecclesiastes 2:24).

Work can either be soul crushing, keeping you from your purpose and stealing your life.

Or, when done for God, and working inside of the gifts that He gave you...

It is meant to GIVE you life.

The Kingdom WeaIth Project is meant to help you pursue the things that give you life, so you can give life to others.

So, it's the vision to get people like you free from the jobs that are holding you back.

Free to do what you feel God put into your heart.

To work less on the things that steal your energy and purpose...

So, you can put more time into what God has for you.

Simply put...

To live more FOR God!

Both in the way you enjoy the abundance that was meant for you...

And in the giving of your weaIth (M0ney + Time + Freedom) for others.

There is so much more to share with you.

But what I am building is for a select few who are truly serious about creating massive weaIth in a way that allows you to use it to give and serve and build the Kingdom of God.

This is truly unique and nothing like it exists in the world to my knowledge.

That's why I believe God gave it to me to build.

If you're sitting there with your heart on fire.

If you are moved by a vision to build something like this that positively transforms your life, and lets you serve and love others.

If You Have a Heart for Jesus and Want to Build a 1OOk business in 2023 While You Build The Kingdom and Serve God...

Enter your name and email on this page and hold your spot.

[NOTE]: If you're already working with me, nothing has changed other than my heart is officially on fire to build bigger, stronger, faster, and with more love.

So, get you're running shoes on...

We're blazing a path of weaIth, freedom and service right to God.

It all starts here and now.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People.

833-219-0822 (Text Anytime)

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