Subject: 🔵 LiveGood changes coming (read quickly)

Hey Friend...

In an effort to meet the challenge of getting you and your team the skills to actually market and do a lot of what most aren't currently aware they should be doing to grow a long term, stable business...

I'm going to focus the team site on principle based training that is very specifically for those in the Network Marketing space.

It's the absolute best Network Marketing specific training that exists, and it's been responsible for nearly every top, long term earner for the last decade.

The more we get this amazing team to understand the principles of building a business and not just constantly hearing things like "Get 2, Help 2" over and over again...

The more we'll build as a team and not just individuals.

As you might know, those phrases can actually be a little frustrating to those who actually want to know how to get 2 and help 2, but have no real training on how that happens.

I am going to start plugging people into this ASAP.


DO NOT Fill Out The Form There.

Just look it over so you know what you're getting, then use this link to join directly and get the massive discount.

THIS is Where You Grab Your Discount

(It's Only $27 One Time).


The principles and knowledge, and the technical step by step will help everyone without breaking the bank.

I actually think it should be required training to build, as it's the foundation of Network Marketing (all marketing really).

That being said, This is NOT Required!

Nothing I recommend is ever anything you or your team are required to do.

Just know that it's always my intention to give you what puts you in the best position to be successful LONG TERM.

I'm filling you in firstly... because I fully believe that it's the best Network Marketing specific training platform on the planet.

Second... It's something that will be recommended and talked about in the team site, so I want you to know that up front.

And finally, as an added bonus, there's an affiIIiate program that I can add into the back office.


You Have to Own the Product and Also Apply to be an AffiIIiate.

I'll get that to you when you've got access to the course and back office.

I am also ramping up my own training to help as well.

As much as I like A LOT of what NowSite can do for us...

I am probably going to stop recommending it in the Team site.

There's a lot that can be done with it, but it's not intuitive and is starting to cause more confusion than growth.

If you are enjoying it, and getting benefit from it, please continue to use it.

I'm not here to tell you what you have to use to build.

And it has a ton of great usefulness.

From a team wide and system wide standpoint, however, it's causing a bunch of confusion and lack of understanding on what to do.

To grow to a team of 100,000 and beyond, we need basic training (like the one we're moving to) and basic tools.

Things more like a simple funnel builder and/or GetResponse for tools.

Even just GetResponse would be enough for most.

I can build all the pages we need in HBA and code them just like I have been doing.

People really do need a way to collect leads though for long term growth.

Anyway... just a heads up to where we are headed.

As a member of my personal team, I want you to have the option to get the product and become an affiIIiate ASAP...

So that when the updates have been made to the site, you can just point your team to the team site and be all set.

We're aiming for...

Foundational principles through the training that provides a specific course of action, that is geared towards people like us specifically in this industry.

More interactive and personal training to help people as a group.

For example...

We did a training after the business presentation the other night and it was great and offered a ton of help and benefit.

Going forward, we'll do more of that.

Simplified tools (only what's necessary).

And definitely a clearer vision on our march to 100,000 Freedom Builders on this team.

I truly appreciate you for being here and want to offer you the best of me, and also the best training outside of me as possible to help you build anything you want LONG TERM.

Starting with a walk-away generational lncome here at LiveGood.

Which, because of your timing, will may be the only business you've ever had the chance to do that with.

Our time and place in history right now is going to produce incredible futures for those who decide to really get focused and build a business here.

I truly mean GENERATIONAL weaIth that can provide for those that you love even after you're gone.

But, it will be super difficult to get to that point, or even to 6-FlGS and beyond...

If you don't first know and then implement the mindset and skillset of a professional Network Marketer.

This ONE TIME $27 will allow you, and maybe more importantly YOUR TEAM to do that.

Imagine what having an entire team of professional Network Marketers building below you will do for your lncome both now and well into the future.

LiveGood is special.

And that is why I want to give you and every person you partner with here the best tools, knowledge, skills, and support to build an amazing future.

We've landed in the right spot finally.

At the right time.

With the right group of people.

Now it's time to help the crowds growing around us take advantage.

Let's Grow Freedom Builders!

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love people

P.S.  Any questions, thoughts, concerns, etc. please reach out to me.

I am here to listen and help.

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