Subject: 🔵 LiveGood MAJOR Makeover coming this week

BIG changes are happening this week. Here's everything you need to know...

Hey Friend...

BIG CHANGES Happening This Week in Your Job Free Revolution Team Site For LiveGood!

My goal is to make building your LiveGood business be as fun and hassle free as possible.

So simplification begins this week to your team site back office.

Here's what the new flow will look to help you accomplish in your first 24 - 48 hours:

1. Get Connected

2. Get Your Links to ShareThis part I am SUPER excited about.

A new F.REE tool is going to allow you to get access to done for you pages, funnels, saIes material, emails, content, live presentations to share and more at the click of a button.

I am so excited for you to see and use it.

3. Get Traffic and Leads including some push button resources to get you a faster start while you learn to market for long term results.

4. Hit Bronze

I just wanted to give you a heads up that if you logged in and things looked and flowed WAY more simply...

You wouldn't be hit by surprise.

This is the most profitabIe time of the year in terms of building a business in this industry.

It's time to give YOU some major advantages.

Let's Grow Freedom Builders!

Nick and The Job Free Revolution Team!

"Go Bronze, Then Bless!"

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