Subject: 🔵 Last minute gift for you

I love, love, love this community so much!

I've been in this industry 20 years, and EVERY single company I have ever been involved with has done one of 2 things when they release something new...

1. Increase the price

2. Add it as an upsell that you have to buy

Not these guys.

They NEVER increase the price, and they NEVER add upsells.

These guys just keep giving, and giving and giving.

I thanked them for their latest gift today (see the below for what it is), and here's how the chat went...

Check out what Bill (William) had to say in the middle of that chat.

He feels blessed to be here.

AND, he's had such a wonderful experience that he believes that God's hand is on this community.

I do to!

So, what did they add to help us you might be asking?

Well, have you every wished that somebody else could write your emails?

Or, do your social posts for you

Or, give you amazing video ideas (and write the script!).

Basically, do you wish you had an "easy button" for all of your content?

We now have one here.

Mike and Paul released an A.I. tool today that you just type in a general idea of what you want your email, or post, or video to be about...

And it writes it FOR YOU in less than 10 seconds!

You just copy.


Put out amazing content that makes you look like an all star.

And then you go and enjoy your day.

This takes my entire 30 Minute Workday to an entirely new level.

You can see an example of how awesome it is in the P.S. below.

But here's the thing...

They've already given us a ready to go business that is doing over 2OOk every month.

They handle the products, websites, customer service, all the hard and expensive stuff.

And then they give us 80% on every saIe generated by our efforts.

They already show up every day and personally help us build.

Literally... they are live for an hour or two every day just showing EXACTLY what they are doing to build their own 7-FlG businesses.

Plus, answering your questions live.

They already show us exactly how to get endless traffic, Ieads, and saIes.

And now they are doing the one thing that people say holds them back...

Giving you a tool that will write ALL of your content for you using one of the world's best A.I. services.

It's kinda crazy, but so are Mike and Paul in the best way possible.

I've waited my entire life to find a company to stand behind that I could feel good about building a long term business around that I feel God Himself would endorse.

So excited and grateful that I found this.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People.

833-219-0822 (Text Anytime)

P.S.  Earlier today, I typed a single sentence, and this incredible A.I machine wrote me an amazing message in just a few seconds.

Wow... just wow.

That's all I can say.

This solves one of the major issues that hold people back from getting results.

Plus, it allows you to literally spend a few minutes on your business and be done.

And they just gave it to us.

No upsell.

No new product launch.

No price increases.

Just because they want to serve at the highest level, and make sure that you get the results you're seeking.

Love it here.

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