Subject: 🔵 Just go

Happy Friday, Friend!

We weren't perfect.

We still don't know everything there is to know about what we just started as a community.

But, for the last 3 days, we did the most important thing...

We just as a group got excited and went to work on something we all believe in.

Which is just proof to me that it doesn't always have to be perfect.

We've just got to be moving in a forward direction with full faith in what we're doing and pure, positive intentions to serve and do good.

If you're not where you want to be right now, I promise you this...

You are headed in the right direction if you LISTEN, and MOVE.

I've been in the game for over 20 years, and here's what I keep learning.

Companies don't grow.

Movements do.

And if you lock in with full faith and good intentions and you MOVE by taking action with it...

It really is like riding a giant wave of prosperity.

I just experienced a real example of this over the last few days.

I can't describe why when I was sent this on Sunday night, I jumped in and went to work so hard on it.

Because I had already told myself that I would this again.

But, Spirit rose up in me on Sunday night and said "Go!"

Before my mind could even catch up and argue with that thought, I was building.

Spirit always knows is what I am finding more and more as I go through life with God.

I'm constantly finding that God always nudges you in the right direction.

When you listen and don't fight back with doubt, and fear, and indecision...

Amazing happens!

THIS is what happened this week.

If what happened in the last 3 or 4 days, this is going to be another one of those fun, energizing, positive impact causing, wonderful journeys I've been blessed to be on.

I was not sure where this email was going to go this morning, but here's maybe what's on my heart today that might help you.

1. Companies don't grow, Movements do.

Look for MOVEMENTS of people, or communities, of causes that you can sink your life into.

2. Listen to your Spirit.

God tends to not push, He winks and nudges.


With imperfect action, move.

You might not know everything yet, but I truly believe that when you hear from God and you don't fight.

When we just head into the direction He's nudging and move in a forward direction with full faith in what we're doing and pure, positive intentions to serve and do good...

Great things tend to unfold.

I'm blessed right now to be a part of 2 different movements that are changing me in every way.

And the funny thing is, in BOTH cases, I was moving in a totally different direction.

Fully set in my mind to never go back.

But God showed up and nudged me back in the other direction.

I'm so glad that He did.

And that I listened.

And then I moved.

Just go, Friend.

No matter what God is nudging you to, just go.

Have a beautiful Friday.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love people

517-258-2203 (Text Only)

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