Subject: 🔵 It's all goin' to crud in 2024

We've got an election year coming up in the United States in 2024 which means there are going to be...


And "Illness"

And "threats" to our security.

And some sort of controversy at every level either real or media created.

It's just how it works.

No joke.

I'm was just told about an article the other day about a "Zombie" apocalypse scenario because of some brain eating deer disease.

Maybe the deer and the killer hornets will team up this year and really do some damage.

Our masks will be useless against them this time!

When I wrote that, I picture Chris Farley running around being chased by fake bees screaming...

"Your firearms are useless against them!"

And surprisingly enough, every 4 years people actually seem surprised that it's happening.

Histeria ensues.

Then the guy they want elected, gets elected.

Half the country complains about it for 3 weeks.

Then we all go back to binge watching Tik Toks and eating junk food (the real Zombie apocalypse by the way) like it never happened.

Humans are weirdly dumb and predictable animals, aren't we?

Because of that, there will be attacks on our psyche to make us think that it's all going to crap...

And the savior to it all is whatever politician actually got elected.

We'll mostly forget about him after a few weeks too.

Want to know how to escape all of the stupidity?

Remove yourself from it as much as possible.

Level yourself up.

Get the skills and tools and resources you need to create your own economy.

Which is also going to crap by the way if you listen to the media-heads.

But, here's who thrives in ANY economy...

The people with the weaIth to swoop in and get everything at a discount when everybody is selling their stuff and building bunkers.

The people who took advantage of their time, and used their lncome...

And instead of spending their time on news and mindless scrolling, and wasting their limited lncome on trinkets...

Built real skills and bought real assets that turned into UNLIMITED lncome.

And you want to know the best asset in the world in my opinion?

A digital b.usiness that offers training, or tools, or resources.


Because I can seII any of the above and there is always more to seII without ANY extra effort to create it.

It can seII 100 times in a day, or 1,000 and the work is the same for me.

And the coolest part about a digital b.usiness...

Is that it's run by little digital robots that do almost all of the presenting, follow up, and seIIing for me.

So, I can get the asset that everyone really wants.


I can create time while I am creating lncome and that my friends is what I call...

True WeaIth.

Creating lncome, time, and f.reedom all at the same time.

Without limits.

Bottom line is that until the real Savior comes, nobody elected is going to save you in 2024.

Only YOU can save you.

If you want stability.

If you want time.

If you want f.reedom.

And if you want true weaIth.

Maybe it's time to turn off the news.

To stop melting your brain scrolling through endless, mindless media.

To stop buying trinkets that only keep you in the slavery model.

And maybe it's time to build a b.usiness that can give you the ability to escape the madness, and live in absolute f.reedom.

Here's how I have done it for over 2 decades now if you want to see what it takes.

Nick Bramble

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